Example sentences of "out [prep] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 Bill 's orders had been for Captive Audience to lead Shine On at racing speed over six furlongs , then for them both to stride out for home over the last two furlongs .
2 At the Strasbourg meeting of signatories of the Berne wild life convention , Britain was singled out for criticism over the Canford Heath development .
3 The ‘ Constantinian revolution ’ was far more than the sudden breaking out of peace over the church and demanded a drastic reconstruction of the framework of experience .
4 But it is a moot point whether the likely slow pull out of recession over the next few years will produce the desired returns for investors unless the venture capitalists can , as they claim , really add value .
5 40 escalators out of service over the 270 stations , but fret not ; it 's estimated that all will have been repaired by 1996 .
6 There were few potential trouble spots , in which British forces were likely to be involved , that were not reasonably close to the sea ; and naval forces had the advantage of being able to lie out of sight over the horizon during periods of tension .
7 That dried up river-bed , which was out of sight over the ridge and down a thousand feet of shingle , was rich with palm-trees , and with villages .
8 We are the descendants of all those generations that emigrated out of Europe over the last three centuries to populate the emptier quarters of the earth .
9 At the final turn into the tailwind , eight miles from the finish , Curry still led but only by 10 seconds , and from here on in Boone pulled ahead taking 1.29 out of Curry over the final miles .
10 High interest rates have driven hundreds of thousands of small firms out of business over the past 10 years and the loss of more than 2 million jobs in manufacturing industry has carried with it , to their doom , many small firms that depended on larger businesses .
11 Now you may find you actually get a slightly more out of breath over the next thirty six hours , cos you have n't taken your water tablets .
12 There was talk of one independent dealer losing £50,000 yesterday alone ; another was said to have found himself £150,000 out of pocket over the week .
13 He proved himself out of touch over the economy and by opposing abortion on demand .
14 Much that he says about divisions in the human psyche is reflected in pale form in the Hindu sacred books of the Upanishads ( which is hardly surprising , since White Face claims that all the world 's knowledge of itself emanated from the ‘ Other Side ’ during the ice age before last , when Other Siders went out like missionaries over the globe , reaching as far as Hindustan ) .
15 John Raby has managed to sort out with Tom over the weekend most of his queries .
16 Department of Health and Social Services staff throughout Northern Ireland walked out in protest over the attack , and many offices remained closed for more than a week .
17 The card will be tried out in Northampton over the next six months and should go into full production in nineteen ninety five .
18 During the few moments in which she paused in her ascent to the church she reflected that now she was looking at the view the other way round ; now she was in one of the overcrowded little alleys visible from San Martino as merely a crack in a vast expanse of roof tiles and crumbling masonry and noticeable from that lofty vantage point because of the fluttering of the washing hung out on poles over the street to dry .
19 Over 150 enthusiasts turned out at Oxford over the weekend to put their best foot forward with Princess Diana 's personal trainer Carolan Brown .
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