Example sentences of "what we have [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In view of what we have already done … ’
2 We can not check this independently by re-examining the original one , not because we can not re-examine the original one but because everything we can do in the way of a re-examination is just doing again what we have already done in thinking of the new sensation as relevantly similar to the old one .
3 spend over and above what we have already indicated and therefore we oppose the budget that has now been put forward by the other two groups .
4 What we have already seen , however , ( p. 24 ) is that pre-exposure to the to-be-CS results in retarded development of the CR .
5 They are only expressing more precisely what we have already said .
6 Remember , too , from what we have already said , that these conflicts need to be in order of ascending difficulty .
7 Having reached the end of the second sentence , we have to decide whether to repeat what we have already written , or introduce something new as a contrast or relief .
8 If the computer 's field of activity is limited to our planet , and if our fate depends on it alone , then we can not count on anything after death except some permutation of what we have already experienced in life ; we shall again encounter similar landscapes and beings .
9 The first is simply a recapitulation of what we have already discussed .
10 By virtue of what we have already established , the following proposition will suffice .
11 Commentary : The common size statements merely confirm what we have already suggested above from our initial analysis , i.e. the gross profit has declined with a marked decline in 1988 and this has been accompanied by an increase in interest over the last years .
12 We use the same example as before , restating for convenience what we have already found .
13 What we 've done , won one of the points I think that is worth er making perhaps is that on er over the last few years we 've seen a complete change in world export philosophy where not only are the Russians exporting all over the place but clearly er there are a number of western aircraft in different parts of the world and therefore what we have also done is to , in comparing er our aircraft against other western ones , we 've also looked at them as potential threats because it 's possible that er erm western aircraft in certain hands could end up being used against us so we have also compared those .
14 One man completely self-assured ( in the psychological sense ) is not a contradiction of what we have just said any more than what we have just said about uncertainty ( in the epistemological sense ) reduces all men to the level of mumbling irresolution .
15 One man completely self-assured ( in the psychological sense ) is not a contradiction of what we have just said any more than what we have just said about uncertainty ( in the epistemological sense ) reduces all men to the level of mumbling irresolution .
16 That may seem perverse , given what we have just said about the current scene , especially since we do not ourselves believe that states are the only important actors in international relations .
17 Much of what we have just talked about may seem far beyond our reach or experience yet , but it comforts us to believe that no exigency of life can ever rob the believer of accepting its transcendence as well as its immanence .
18 As one would expect , the reaction is in some ways likely to be the opposite of what we have just described .
19 The whole first part provides a framework for what we have just described as a level-of-analysis problem with three layers and two dimensions .
20 ‘ What you and I have just had … what we have just experienced … well , I can tell you that it is something very special indeed .
21 The most celebrated case of dispute about an alleged EModE merger , however , is not pack/peck , but what we have elsewhere called the meat/mate problem ( J. Milroy and Harris , 1980 ) .
22 Both diagnostic and tactical skills depend on what we have traditionally called political acumen — a combination of listening and observation skills , with a heightened capacity to predict likely behavioural outcomes .
23 I think the ah just to remind you what we have always said is that that would improve our gross margin situation would be a change in in house manufacturing goods and whilst it 's a bit early to tell we are actually saying to you that the sales post Boxing Day have been in addition
24 ‘ Textiles are what we have always done in Biella .
25 For example , why do we accept what we have always presupposed rather than proved ?
26 It is important to notice that the contrast lies primarily in the function of language which Halliday calls IDEATIONAL that is , the way in which language conveys and organizes the cognitive realities of experience , roughly corresponding to what we have earlier called " sense " : [ 12 ] The bushes twitched again .
27 Analysing tenants ' own accounts of their living conditions , he again argues that ‘ home ’ and what we have earlier called ‘ ontological security ’ actually mean quite different things for different classes .
28 This loss is a result of what we have earlier seen Giddens calling ‘ time-space distantiation ’ : the increasing spread of social life over space and time .
29 The core social mechanism binding the locality together is ‘ honour ’ , or what we have earlier termed ‘ esteem ’ .
30 If we understand people as continually persisting in what we have earlier termed ‘ identity projects ’ it need come as no surprise to find increasingly affluent households necessarily consuming pastiche , the extraction of history out of context , and superficiality as a normal way of life .
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