Example sentences of "been [verb] into [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In ( h ) you will see yellow has been blended into pale lilac and in ( i ) pale lilac has been rubbed into French blue .
2 Most people have not been indoctrinated into religious faith but into a questioning or ignoring of religion as basically superseded if not actually false .
3 But her daughter has been placed into foster care and now the father is making an all-out bid to get legal custody .
4 The group was finally disbanded in 1969 , by which time China had been plunged into virtual anarchy and economic collapse .
5 Streets and homes have been plunged into random darkness .
6 Does the Secretary of State recognise that the access funds are in no sense a substitute for student eligibility for social security and for vacation hardship allowance and that mature students in particular have been plunged into severe hardship by the Government 's policies ?
7 Practically all aspects of the curriculum will have been programmed into machine-usable form by 1985 …
8 It was possible that , like many of the casual spectators , the key members of the crew had all been frozen into temporary immobility by the looming presence of the ovoid , but Rostov was inclined to suspect the convenience of such a coincidence .
9 The data in Table 8.1 has been organized into bit-pattern format in Table 8.2 .
10 People doing certain jobs have characterised themselves — and been characterised — as professions : this concept with all its ideological trappings has been incorporated into sociological analysis so that even its harshest critics are incapable of transcending it , and conduct their discourse in its terms .
11 For once behaviour more typically engaged in by subordinate populations has been incorporated into criminal law , then legally sanctioned punishments can be ‘ justifiably ’ imposed .
12 Although the European Convention on Human Rights has not been incorporated into domestic law in the United Kingdom and is not enforceable via legal sanctions against signatories , the government was under political pressure following Campbell and Cosans to change the law .
13 But Ward 18 , where this lady was being treated had been made into separate cubicle wards with glass screens , at the order of Dr Kelleher for ‘ barrier nursing . ’
14 Had the BBC realised what a gem it was holding , the deciding match of the tournament ( as all others ) could have been turned into real money spinners ; but , no , it was a lost opportunity .
15 ‘ Most of them would have treated it as a nice little Christmas story about this powerful but sad woman with an unhappy family Now it 's all been turned into major crisis . ’
16 The leaders of the General Union of Tunisian Students ( UGTE ) were among 583 protesters reported to have been arrested by Feb. 23 , 283 of whom had been drafted into military service , a further 190 held for interrogation and 110 released by Feb. 25 .
17 Solowka is the old , flat-capped Northerner forever dreaming of ferrets and Ukrainian records ; Gregory is the quiet , slightly mysterious one ; Gedge is the older brother keeping a paternal watch over everybody ; Smith 's traits , apart from an unruly fringe , have not yet been distilled into comic book form .
18 A study has been commissioned into domiciliary care compared with hospital care in stroke patients , to be undertaken by the department of public health at the United Medical and Dental School .
19 Feeling themselves isolated from Ramsay MacDonald , who had been helped into Labour leadership by the " Clydesiders " , the ILP became receptive to the radical socialism of the Scottish MPs .
20 Her father had been maimed while on duty in Ireland , and she herself had been sold into virtual slavery there , where she had been seduced and made pregnant .
21 But it is deeply revealing that in neither of these paintings are the revolutionary perspectival implications of the Demoiselles explored or developed , or indeed more than hinted at , and that in the Basel painting figures have been transformed into still life .
22 Recently , however , investors have been shifting into high-tech industry and property development , which demand more capital .
23 The materials have not been used within traditional library lessons , but have been integrated into day-to-day practice of teaching .
24 Thomas Poole the younger had been born into comfortable West Somerset obscurity in 1765 , and gave little sign to those who met him for the first time of the great gifts of character and intellect which he possessed .
25 It is argued that during the dry phases , the humid forests would have been fragmented into island-like refugia ( Figure 7.1 ) of isolated blocks of forest .
26 If outrage were the sole test of legality in the arts , then the Impressionists would never have been allowed to organise the Salon des Refusés , Edvard Munch would have been driven into permanent exile , and the score of Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring would be gathering dust in some criminal museum like the Italian negative of Bertolucci 's Last Tango in Paris .
27 As you go in by the west end of the nave of the parish church , two black memorial plaques have been set into little side chapels on the north and south walls .
28 one of the criticisms or possible criticisms of the M R C figures was that these were all patients who had been entered into superficial bladder cancer studies and they do n't therefore re represent all because people are selected to go into the trial and perhaps they are lower risk patients than others and in fact I believe that the recurrence rate in the M R C studies are lower than you would expect for er superficial bladder cancer in general .
29 Michael Brunson tried a rude personal question , but by the time it had been translated into official interviewese — ‘ Would you accept that there are worries about your being in Downing Street ? ’ — it hardly sounded like a question , let alone a rude question .
30 An undoubted improvement in the legal position of many occupiers , as a consequence of Street v Mountford , has not been translated into socio-economic reality .
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