Example sentences of "been [verb] on [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Emphasis has been placed on increasing income inequalities as a means of boosting incentives for more work effort on an individual and corporate level .
2 Whilst in the past some reliance has been placed on low melting point plastics and the thermal shock effects on asbestos cement sheeting to provide a degree of ventilation , consequential to a fire , experience indicates that such faith can be misplaced .
3 In recent years , a great deal of emphasis has been placed on technological progress as a cause of structural unemployment .
4 But how far have the changes in child care law embodied in the Children Act 1989 , with its focus on the paramountcy of the child 's welfare ( as a means to the child 's better protection ) , and the increasing emphasis which has been placed on parental responsibility rather than rights by the courts in recent years , been mirrored by changes in the balance of power between parent , child and state in education ?
5 In this way the study diverges from the usual tradition of elite studies where emphasis has been placed on ideological response or constituency service as the key to understanding the adoption of attitudes in such an elite .
6 Even if cubs had been reared on human flesh , they did not persist in man-eating once they had grown up .
7 If directions have already been given on pre-trial review , this appointment is not needed .
8 They also stated that the monuments and war graves " dedicated to the victims of war and tyranny which have been erected on German soil will be respected and will enjoy the protection of German law " , and that in the united Germany " the free democratic basic order will be protected by the constitution …
9 She had been indicted on numerous corruption charges since her return to the Philippines , as the government continued to attempt to recover some of the millions of dollars which she and her husband allegedly looted from the country during their years in power .
10 To date , a range of papers have been completed on local authority pricing , rent controls , housing taxation and rehabilitation subsidies .
11 This statement and the Declaration as a whole has been claimed on good authority as ‘ the most controversial document of the whole Council ’ ( J. Courtney Murray : Abbott , p. 673 ) .
12 Some of his biology is not too sound ; his statement that the gulls of the northern hemisphere may be exceptional — ‘ In the majority of species such gradual variation is not seen , and all the members are equally interfertile ’ — seems based on a plentiful lack of knowledge of the work that has been done on geographical variation in many groups of animals , including birds .
13 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musical flaws .
14 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musi cal flaws .
15 In the UK little work of any description seems to have been done on human behaviour in the aftermath of releases of hazardous substances , nor is much available on public attitudes to emergency planning .
16 The discussion will be brief because much less work has so far been done on acquired dysgraphia than on acquired dyslexia .
17 Little sociological work has been done on Scottish agriculture ; hardly any of it on large-scale capitalist agriculture which would permit comparisons with English , Canadian and American investigations .
18 What is surprising is that so few feminist researchers in the sociology of education have chosen to look at higher education , when so much work has been done on secondary education and , to a lesser extent , on primary education .
19 The Upton park and ride has been built on zoo-owned ground at a cost of £1m and will eventually have 750 spaces .
20 Civilization , like the city of Venice , seems to have been built on unprepossessing ground .
21 This is the highest point of the Floriade , while the lowest is some 4.5m below sea level because the whole festival has been built on reclaimed land .
22 Query had been built on hard fact and delivered hard-hitting articles .
23 It has been said on high authority that
24 There , controls have been imposed on Inter-State banking .
25 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
26 She 's been living on borrowed time for a long while .
27 A whole family employed in the Midlands engineering industry have been living on supplementary benefit for two years : the grandparents in their mid-40s , two married sons with children and a teenager living at home .
28 On the basis of a large response the Bureaux Services Committee decided to substitute Mesher for the ‘ Yellow Book ’ which had previously been supplied on supplementary benefit and family income supplement .
29 Previous studies examining the in vivo effects of cimetidine have been performed on syngeneic tumour models with immunocompetent animals .
30 The success of the party 's resistance to Home Rule had been founded on absolute faith that it was the most important issue , but by 1914 this was no longer the case .
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