Example sentences of "they [vb base] with [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , unlike the Shavante , whose ritual and rhetoric sets into opposition groups and categories of people , and indeed celebrates separation and opposition , Piaroa institutions downplay , ignore , and mask the principles of separation and opposition , principles they associate with relations of dominance and tyranny ( see Overing Kaplan 1981 ) .
2 They roar with laughter at the funny bits .
3 On the other hand , despite the tone of much of the political debate in the United Kingdom , it should be said at the outset that questions such as the transfer of powers ( or sovereignty ) to the Community , the direct application and direct effect of Community law , and the correlative theory of the primacy of such provisions of Community law when they conflict with provisions of national law , were all established aspects of Community law when we joined in 1973 , and are not new problems relating to Maastricht .
4 So spare a thought for their original research they speak with feeling of badly-signed junctions and of chaos over the A1 and its renaming round Tyneside .
5 Staff pay at the ‘ till ’ using a Girovend plastic card which they charge with credit at separate machines .
6 They vary with respect to size .
7 They vary with respect to their professional representation .
8 They vary with respect to their location ( indeed , 10% of the teams replying did not have a common base at all ) .
9 They vary with respect to their catchment populations .
10 The children like this part , when the mermaid comes back to life , they quiver with pleasure at the strong magic of it .
11 Experience has shown that they call for more work from officials , and that they meet with resistance from officials ( see Jenkins , 1978 ) .
12 ‘ Yes , ’ they reply with sighs of relief , for they are all-too aware of the scourge of unemployment , particularly among white-collar workers in the south-east of England .
13 — The larynx becomes dry and they wake with spasms in the throat thinking they will choke .
14 In footplate LDCs , one of the main activities has traditionally been the ‘ scrutiny ’ of alterations to work programmes or ‘ diagrams ’ to ensure that they comply with agreements concerning continuous driving time , meal breaks , and so on .
15 This is certainly true when they deal with stories near home .
16 They deal with patterns of observable structure and employ well-established methods of comparative analysis , often based upon the principles of taxonomy established by earlier generations of zoologists faced with the enormous diversity of the animal kingdom .
17 They deal with awards of provisional damages where the plaintiff proves or the defendant admits that there is a chance that the plaintiff 's health will change or will get worse because he may develop a serious disease or suffer a serious deterioration in his mental or physical condition .
18 Coranka Matic 's recent works were made behind the firing lines , they deal with images of a ‘ small citizen ’ in whose name the war is being fought .
19 I think it would affect their marriages , their inter-personal relationships , their co-habitations , the way that they deal with people at work , their sense of who they are in the world and how far they can go in the world , and I think that 's what makes the problem so serious because it has very , very long-reaching effects .
20 There have been many investigations of the factors animals use to ensure that they mate with members of the same species .
21 These they detect with lines of sensors on the head and along the sides of the body which are an inheritance from the fish and an equivalent of their ancient lateral line system .
22 They agree with radicals like Illich that modern medical ideologies mask these realities since " one of the functions of modern medicine is to call unhappiness disease and locate its cause in the unhappy individual not the diseased social system " ( Oakley 1983 : 106 ) .
23 WORKMEN spoke today of the constant threat they live with day by day : that they will be mercilessly gunned down as they go about earning a living .
24 They leave with £11 of cider and sherry .
25 It means people will be able to work where they choose with rights of residence extended .
26 apart from estimates of computational efficiency , success can only be assessed by considering how they cope with language in a principled way ;
27 The processors are clocked at 25MHz with 256Kb of non-write-through cache , and they come with 16Mb to 192Mb memory , with support for up to 88Gb disk .
28 Let us take two paradigmatic kinds of sociolinguistic phenomenon , and ask how they fall with respect to two of our definitions of pragmatics , namely , the most restrictive and the broadest definitions .
29 While bees will orientate their dances with respect to gravity in a darkened hive , in bright light , they orientate with respect to the light .
30 Some BAT leaders have stated that the problem they have with places like Ballymurphy is that they can not get any community leadership to support , financially and otherwise .
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