Example sentences of "had [adv] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Jacqui had only given him the Christian name .
2 ‘ If you had only given us the Law : Dayenu ! …
3 If Steen was there , Charles had only to tell him the truth ; if he was n't , then he could leave the photographs with an anonymous note explaining Jacqui 's innocence .
4 ‘ Well , I think you had better tell me the whole story .
5 ( Mutengene is a harder word than Sasse so I had better give you the pronunciation : Moo-teng-genay . )
6 " You had better show me the sites , " Matthew said , " and I 'll see what I can suggest . "
7 The most prominent families had no objection to service — it had long offered them the surest route to power , wealth , and prestige .
8 Somebody had apparently given her the matchbook and she had been carrying it around with her ever since . ’
9 Pertwee had already employed it the previous morning effectively to terminate interrogation .
10 Baxter 's influential friends had secured for him four of the ablest barristers in the land , but it was obvious from the beginning of the trial that Jeffries had already decided what the verdict would be .
11 He had already sent me the Strachey book , The Theory and Practice of Marxism , and Spender 's , the original title of which was The Approach to Communism , seemed to me to go with it very well .
12 This was untrue , but I had already lent him the money . ’
13 Other executives had already asked themselves the same question .
14 They had already suspected what the problems were , and Liz and her parents soon started to discuss ways in which they could deal with the backlog of paperwork .
15 Certainly such people existed , but the man who allowed his mind and soul to be ruled by their existence had already handed them the better part of the argument .
16 She had n't taken part in the questioning but the others , Mair knew , would assume that that was because he had already told her the answers .
17 A hush of skirts had already told her the girls were coming down from upstairs .
18 The local ombudsman found Lancashire SSD had not given her the support and counselling she needed .
19 He had not provided water to wash the feet and had not given him the traditional greeting of a kiss ( Luke 7:44–45 ) .
20 If the police had not given us the benefit of the doubt , I should have been more than a little proud to go to jail in his company , together with the Cup .
21 It was clear that Holmes ' cleverness with the telegram had not given us the proof we needed .
22 She gazed , wide-eyed , at the first large town she had ever visited , for Matilda had not permitted her the freedom of Gloucester .
23 Rupert had not specified what the ‘ friends ’ consisted of , so nobody could have known about the anthropological colleague and his wife and their children aged seven , five , and three , or pictured Rupert going to church alone on Christmas morning , helping to wash up after the adequate but plain Christmas dinner , spending the evening talking shop , and retiring early to his hard uncomfortable bed .
24 Perhaps , they said , he was married or engaged and had not told me the truth about himself .
25 She had not told them the whereabouts of the lavatory .
26 So when asked why I had not told her the whole story , I replied , ‘ Because you never asked me . ’
27 she had guessed Taczek had not told her the whole truth of his relationship with Mills but now had confirmation .
28 Stephen had just granted me the barony , and I decided ‘ t was time I had a wife .
29 He had just given her the chocolates and she had kissed him .
30 He looked across at me with watery , beseeching eyes as if he had just told me the entire , intolerable story of his life .
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