Example sentences of "are [adv] [prep] [art] place " in BNC.

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1 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
2 Statistics are all over the place .
3 And the eggs are all over the place .
4 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
5 So your capillaries are all over the place .
6 ‘ The police are all over the place .
7 employ twelve hundred people , much of their traffic passes through Bungay , their products , their employee and supplies are all over the place and their products are distributed country-wide , much of their traffic goes through Bungay , and I think they both have plans to extend their plants both er Buxton and Bernard Matthews .
8 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
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