Example sentences of "be [verb] [adv] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My unfaithfulness will be eased gently out along the process of life , dispensing with small fragments of guilt as I go .
2 You will no doubt have been assisting her in basic matters connected with the running of her home while she is still in a state of shock following her husband 's death , for at this point even the most capable women sometimes find day-to-day planning and decision-making very hard to cope with and need to be eased gently back into their normal routine .
3 This music , incidentally , was a vital influence in British and American bourgeois domestic song , an influence which can in fact be traced right through to the years after the First World War , in such singers as Al Jolson .
4 Hereford cattle have a long pedigree … they can be traced right back to the red cattle of Roman Britain .
5 It 's something that runs through mining folklore and can be traced right back into the lore of medieval German miners .
6 It can be traced directly back to the anti-Dreyfusard cause of the late nineteenth century .
7 For Piaget , the adult 's ability to think logically , to manipulate symbols in meaningful ways and to solve complex problems can be traced directly back to the infant 's first attempts to make sense of her surroundings .
8 Rather than strain the reader 's credulity by indulging in equivalent flights of genealogical fantasy , I shall start with our Victorian predecessors , since most of the currents of modern social anthropology ( as of sociology ) can be traced directly back to them .
9 But whatever else was lost , the impetus that Winckelmann had given to Greek scholarship in Germany survived ; and if we wish to understand its subsequent history and the remarkable growth of German classical scholarship as a whole , we should not forget his formative contribution , even though much of the impending development can hardly be traced directly back to him .
10 Boards can be painted all over in one colour , or individually to form a formal or striped or variegated pattern ; they can be stencilled , given a border , or topped with all sorts of imaginative decorative effects ( see Paint Finishes , pages 368–79 ) .
11 It can be painted directly on to a surface that is rusty , as long as all the loose rust is removed first .
12 Well , I 'll be joined later on in the programme by David Waldon , the leader of the Conservatives , but right now Eva Barnes , the Deputy Leader of the Labour group is with me , and John Cochrane from the Liberal Democrats is here .
13 Finally , even with Directly Managed Hospital Units the intention is that more funds will be devolved directly down to the Units .
14 the less experienced teams might prefer to be placed early on in the programme as it can be unnerving to be left waiting ;
15 God 's Gift Mine , it was recognised , lay conveniently near to the Brigham smelters enabling ore deliveries to be maintained throughout the winter months whereas the other ores " further distant , can not be brought to the said smelting house , but in the sumer only … you may therefore consider how farr forth those Mynes soe farr distant may bee sett upon with good strength in sumer and what number of kibbles will weekly be gotten and towards winter when that will faile , to drive those pickmen from there to work in Gods gift , if the winter shall not hinder untill we may be furnished either out of Germainie or our own Nation with a sufficient number of pickmen to man all the works thoroughly & withall to consider whether the Myne of Gods Gift be not so plentifull as some other new Stolnes ( G. Stollen — tunnel , adit etc. ) or head ( possibly a forerunner of our word " heading " ) may be driven thereby to gitt the like weekly pportion ( proportion ) as hath formerly been gotten there . "
16 In Chapters 14 and 15 , the extent to which their principles are applied to the relatively new media of television , film and video will be considered separately along with the statutory duties and voluntary censorship systems which work in these media to regulate the treatment of controversial subjects .
17 Stiffening has to be resin-bonded to the material and even the smallest bolted item has to be located specifically on to wooden cores set and bonded into the FRC material .
18 It was hoped that people would not be made worse off by taking a job ( the unemployment trap ) , nor would they lose money when their gross pay rose ( the poverty trap ) , due to the loss of means-tested benefits in each case .
19 In the multi-person case this says that no individual can be made better off without making someone else worse off .
20 Nobody can be made better off without someone else worse off .
21 This was the Pareto condition that at least one consumer must be made better off without at the same time any others being made worse off .
22 While this is inefficient from the viewpoint of both the union and the firm , in that both could be made better off by shifting onto the contract curve , there is some justification in using a model where the union determines wages while the firm determines employment ( see Oswald and Turnbull , 1985 ) .
23 David can only be made better off by making Susie worse off , and vice versa .
24 They must be looking all over for me .
25 This was then the site of Mr. Powell 's first photographic shop , EASTBROOK FARM can be seen high up on the Hay Field which is now the Recreation Ground .
26 However , it required this to be done only up to the amount of the buyer 's outstanding indebtedness to the seller .
27 Other answers will be rated somewhere in between .
28 I found it to be quiet , even when under pressure , and the hooked power pack means that it can be hung conveniently out of the way .
29 The PSC in Gazankulu also needs to negotiate with the Lebowa authorities and information has to be disseminated right up to the village authority level — the chiefs and their councils .
30 This enables the history of a process model to be tracked easily along with the exact period when a particular model was active .
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