Example sentences of "with [pron] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No but when you doing with them trainers if you 're not a ragger You 've got there and they 're sweet .
2 This does not fit squarely with my equations but it is not unrelated to them .
3 She smiled , busying herself with my purchases as she spoke .
4 Three things struck me most in comparing the UK market with my experiences before I arrived here from the Equifax Inc in Atlanta .
5 He came to me and said , ‘ I have talked with my directors and they will give you from now on DM 250,000 a year . ’
6 What I do with my roses when I go out is I get a lot of please from looking , looking
7 As Dussie Nell Davis , a US majorette coach , commented almost twenty years ago , ‘ Sex is a word I have never used with my girls and I never will .
8 to be with my friends although they let me sit with me friends so they 're good really so I 'm hoping that I should be able to get back on a Wednesday because er , that 's the only day really I can go , I go to Barn Mead on a Thursday as a rule you see , but yesterday I had to have a day off to go out , I had an invite out
9 Well currently with my parents because we moved down .
10 I nearly broke a chair with my hands as I listened .
11 I 've smoked for over fifteen years , and it has become , it 's something to do with my hands and I think that 's what it is with me .
12 Yes I , after I lost my daughter I had to go into erm , into the factory to make aeroplane pieces at Burnt Mill cos I was so bad with my nerves after I lost her , er just afternoons I had to go and then I was taken ill I could n't do it , well then after my erm , I got my family off to school I took a part time job in erm one of the factories making tea in the mornings for the office and coffees and that for the office and then in the afternoons I used to do the tea as well , I used to cycle there , I quite enjoyed it until my right hip started coming bad then I had to pack it in , but I was in there , I was there for about four years and I thoroughly enjoyed it you know making tea and that , I did n't have to take it round only collect the money to go round and collect the money , but used to have to put the trolley outside and they used to come and get their tea each one , of which they knew which was their mugs and cups ha , you know , I , I thoroughly enjoyed that job , really great
13 Early in my first tour I argued with my colleagues that I doubted it would be possible to ditch a Wimpy or a Whitley on water , particularly if there was a heavy swell .
14 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
15 ‘ This morning , ’ Matilda said , ‘ just for fun I tried to push something over with my eyes and I could n't do it .
16 In Beaumont and Fletcher 's The Maid 's Tragedy , Melantius , approving his sister 's marriage to his best friend , tells her : ‘ Sister , I joy to see you , and your choice/You look 'd with my eyes when you took that man ’ ( i. ii .
17 But you helped me out with my grades so I 'll overlook that . ’
18 I was out with my children when we passed a shoe shop with some wellington boots outside .
19 The positive things that have come out of the divorce are that I have a much better relationship with my children and I can read a book in bed and not have a jealous partner by my side trying to prevent me .
20 She regularly bent Minton 's ear with her problems and he in turn as regularly did take-offs of her doing this .
21 And , since you asked , she once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road ( derogatory remarks in that department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar ) .
22 ‘ I 've promised her mother that Silvia will continue with her studies while she 's staying here on holiday and pass the exams she 's already failed once .
23 We used to mark her up special on the calendar ; and we took care to make a right good job of her : we took an extra lot of trouble with her shoes so we could keep her away as long as we could .
24 Now he pretended to be waving his cape at the bull and executed a neat veronica , then she kicked her leg up backwards and touched her heel with her fingers while he looked scornfully on with one hand behind his back palm facing outwards .
25 Julie could see the tears in her eyes as she re-read the sheet of paper , touching her dead husband 's name with her fingers as she read .
26 And with that she turned on him herself and raising up her wings struck him such a blow with her talons that he rolled back out of control in the air , the tops of the pine trees below spinning before his eyes .
27 She 'd half expected him to barge past her , just like that other time , and she 'd resolved to set about him with her fists if he tried .
28 ‘ Chewing gum , ’ she informed Bridget , picking at it with her fingernails as she did so .
29 She believes she ca n't stay in the refuge because her husband knows where it is — they live nearby — and she ca n't stay with her relatives because he 's threatened them , too .
30 Mrs Lamport , of Harlsey Crescent , Hartburn , Stockton , became obsessed with her researches as she set out to trace 514 notable people named on the fan .
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