Example sentences of "is that [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 What it means is that we reduce our service , and we take , we can , we can , we can expect the independent sector to fill that gap for us .
2 Perhaps the greatest truth ever discovered is that we create our own reality .
3 We are led to the conclusion that 11a is grammatically but not semantically deviant by the fact that substitutes for bake which normalise the sentence ( e.g. shake , forsake ) , as a class , have no distinctive semantic attributes ( that is to say , members of the class share no characteristic patterns of co-occurrence with other open set elements that differentiate them from non-members ) ; however , they do share a grammatical peculiarity , which is that they form their past participles with — en .
4 Perhaps a telling comment on this is that a major reason for the recruitment of top , superannuated civil servants into business is that they know their way round the political labyrinth of Whitehall .
5 The great thing about families is that they keep your feet firmly on the ground — sometimes more firmly than you 'd like .
6 Quite apart from anything else , the most likely immediate consequence for them is that they lose their jobs . ’
7 Another problem with aggregates is that they hide their constituent elements .
8 Or ‘ The trouble with self-made men is that they worship their creator . ’
9 The same may be true of the Prinias horsemen , but the relief there is rather low , and an alternative is that they turn their eyes on us as guardians of the house : the ‘ terror-mask ’ , a concept we shall meet again .
10 Alexei , what my brothers meant to say is that they await your command .
11 Erm one of the problems fish have on this is that they lay their eggs in gravel or something like that and where males have their own nest sometimes another male comes along and er takes it over , hijacks it piracy and interestingly enough what happens in those situations a pirate male will come in , displace the existing male from his nest and fertilize a few eggs and then buzz off .
12 I mean I think that my principle desire is that they pay their er they contribute to our income and pay their rent regularly and are able to do so .
13 The subtlety of the wrap-around influence of alien presuppositions is that they do their work before they are noticed .
14 Rose of Lima herself did not write her memoirs , or anything else , so her subjective understanding of this painful phenomenon is not really known ; what is known is that she offered her life explicitly for the conversion and salvation of those suffering people — one of the reasons , obviously , why she later seemed an appropriate patron for the New World .
15 What you do n't know is that she saved my life during the war . ’
16 The first is that I felt my battle to be with authority , whether in the form of teachers , matrons , parents , or even nature itself .
17 ‘ I 'm a businessman first and a boxer second , and the reason I 'm so successful as a pugilist is that I know my limitations better than anyone else . ’
18 ‘ One thing these workless weeks in Venice have taught me is that I need my profession .
19 ‘ The only pity is that you concentrate your attention on men who are already spoken for .
20 ‘ If you don , then all I ask is that you show your appreciation of your teacher by supporting her and joining the society in order to help us provide more teachers . ’
21 The important thing to remember is that you control your attitude .
22 What I know of Moscow is that you keep your nose clean and do the work you 've set out to achieve , and that way there 's no hassle .
23 The hidden message to the children is that you value their engagement in their work .
24 You then disappear , frighten us all to death , and suddenly , without warning , reappear , wearing fancy dress — ’ this was an unfortunate echo of Havvie , to be sure ‘ — and all you can say for yourself is that you changed your mind ! ’
25 The first is that you leave your opponent with a structure of one in one line , two in the second line and three in the third .
26 All we ask is that you advise your branch immediately you are aware of the loss .
27 The , the result of this , this constraint on us is that it reduces our opportunity to secure the best returns available .
28 Another bonus is that it leaves your hair smelling of mint rather than yukky ammonia !
29 The clue to the GL 's satisfying performance is that it develops its maximum torque at a modest 2,500 rpm , pulling strongly from low revs , making it an easy-going cruiser without the need for constant recourse to the five-speed gearbox .
30 The personal tragedy that befalls Gibson 's character in ‘ Forever Young ’ is that he loses his childhood sweetheart in an accident before he has plucked up the courage to propose marriage .
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