Example sentences of "it is [adv] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It has got inherent checks and balances , it has its own agreement , it is professionally run and there is no function for the president of the FISA here other than to turn up occasionally and literally be seen about .
2 It is simply demand and supply pressures which determine the appropriate exchange rate for each currency .
3 Silicone cancels out the problem as it is positively charged and leaves hair in a neutral state , adding smoothness and promoting shine .
4 It is rarely seen but many know of it and no man hunts it ; but that is the white stag , not a unicorn . ’
5 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
6 The family member also progressively adapts so that the effects of the disease are largely the progressive effects of that adaptation — The disease always gets worse if it is not treated but nonetheless the family member develops ways in which he or she can somehow live with the disease .
7 Nevertheless , its point about the evidence for God 's goodness — that it is not compelling and that , indeed , there may be moments when it appears that the facts of life may not be reconciled with a good Creator at all — might also be applied to the evidence for God 's existence .
8 Certainly platelets do not normally adhere to arterial endothelium if it is not damaged but the explanation for this antithrombotic property of intact endothelium remains obscure .
9 It is not scaremongering or playing the numbers game to recognise and respond to changes on that scale .
10 How they actually manage it is not revealed and so it is highly suitable for family viewing .
11 It is not stated but it is also probably true that the greater is the haste for union the greater will be the potential dislocation .
12 As the analyst said , it is not discovered but made .
13 It is not schooling but a nasty little trick he has to get the better of me .
14 And it is not it is not fixed it is not fixed or in geological terms , petrified .
15 I try to pretend it is not happening but I know it is . ’
16 In Durham , it is not winning but playing the game that is important .
17 If it is not set and you wish it to be then you should contact your LIFESPAN Manager .
18 If it is not set and you wish it to be then you should contact your LIFESPAN Manager .
19 This collection is arranged by family , sub-filed by genus and species , but it is not indexed or listed in any way .
20 If it is not found and harnessed , no tension will be felt by the participants and the experience will have no natural momentum .
21 This is conceptually similar but not identical to the phenomena described by Matza ( 1964 : 33–68 ) as the subculture of delinquency : both consist of ‘ precepts and customs that are delicately balanced between convention and crime ’ ; both ‘ posit objectives that may be attained through ( crime ) but also other means ’ ; both ‘ allow ( crime ) but it is not demanded or necessarily considered the preferred path ’ ; and both consist of ‘ norms and sentiments ’ which are ‘ beliefs that function as the extenuating conditions under which ( crime ) is permissible ’ .
22 We have a clear resolution that it objects to the new settlement on the basis that it is not needed and can not be justified .
23 Completed in 1869 , it is privately owned and in its heyday was a large linen warehouse , built of Scottish sandstone and designed in opulent Venetian Renaissance style .
24 Without help in the form of floor and room numbers , however , the individual within it is completely lost and disorientated .
25 a capital sum may be paid directly to the settlor ; 2. a capital sum may be paid indirectly to the settlor ; 3. a capital sum may be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if a sum is paid to any third party at the settlor 's direction ; 4. a capital sum shall be deemed to be paid to the settlor if the sum is paid to any third party by virtue of an assignment by the settlor of his right to receive it ; and 5. a capital sum shall be deemed to have been paid to the settlor if it is otherwise paid or applied by them for the benefit of the settlor .
26 Once again , it is generally understood and accepted that the weapons prohibited are not limited to those specifically mentioned in this Protocol or any other treaty , but extend to all those that come under this description or have this effect .
27 You can use frozen cod , but make sure that it is thoroughly defrosted and dried well on kitchen paper .
28 It is lavishly illustrated and presented and has assumed a pre-eminent position in its field .
29 President , Congress , the C E C does not lightly bring forward a motion which limits the right of appeal , but in these very special circumstances we feel it is both justified and necessary .
30 To assert that conduct is orderly is , from our point of view , to imply that it is directed by a sense of social propriety — that not only is it non-random but that it is both generated and limited by prescriptions and the possibility of sanction , in particular the sanction of expressed disapproval .
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