Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It thereby seeks to manipulate interest rates .
2 It apparently intends melding 32-bit versions of Windows and DOS ( the reputed DOS 7.0 ) in one package reportedly slated for delivery in 18 to 24 months .
3 Even the most serious management report can usually gain from the occasional injection of levity , even if it merely serves to relieve tension .
4 They give you a booklet for each subject , and I 've got a list , a lec a lecture every week , until February , when it just says reading week .
5 It nevertheless has increased teacher 's accountability .
6 When it finally did become self-replicating , this was a device evolved by the mineral crystal ‘ genes ’ to improve the efficiency of manufacture of the RNA ( or similar molecule ) .
7 So the Bank of England is in the situation that it usually wishes to sell government securities ; it invariably wishes to sustain long-run demand for such securities but it periodically has to take action which inflicts losses on the holders of such securities .
8 Even with the credibility and power of the National Gallery 's support , the Barnes Foundation faces additional legal challenges if it ever hopes to take part of its collection around the world .
9 On what grounds is it ever justified to regard consent as having its purported normative consequences ?
10 While occupational pension provision was originally intended as ‘ superannuation ’ , it gradually came to incorporate provision for dependants , typically widows or dependent children including unmarried adult daughters .
11 Its full name is 4-methacryloxyethyl trimellitic anhydride , and even this is n't a true systematic name because it still refers to methacrylate chemistry .
12 Ampney Crucis Mill is a long-term survivor for , in an age when many rural mills went out of business as a result of their comparative remoteness , coupled with competition from large steam-powered town mills , it still continued to grind corn .
13 At present , however , it still has limited availability so that for some patients sigmoidoscopy and barium enema examination provide an alternative .
14 For all of these reasons , it hardly seems to offend rationality to assume that , over millennia or billennia , chimps will evolve to become as intelligent as we are now .
15 Given these various personal ploys , it always seems to make sense to prioritize the list at the time of making it , and to number the items in the order in which you are going to do them .
16 It also helps to promote consumer awareness of the industry , and runs a training and safety advisory service , and a general consumer enquiry service ( the phone number appears at the end of this feature ) .
17 It also agreed to provide exit visas to intellectuals and the families of prominent Chinese living abroad , provided that there were no outstanding criminal charges against them .
18 It also like to pick food items from living coral .
19 Honeywell says that the agreement is a long term one , and that it also plans to use Apple 's next generation Macintosh — the one that will use the PowerPC RISC processor , in future generations of the Electronic Library System .
20 It also plans to develop notebook computers that will be compatible with the workstations made by other manufacturers .
21 It also passed enabling legislation to allow further constitutional amendments to be made in the wake of the peace treaty .
22 It also meant allowing money supply to contract , or grow less rapidly , when deflationary fiscal policies were pursued .
23 It also seeks to throw light on the role assumed by planters and the planting lobby in society at large .
24 It also includes accepting responsibility for one 's own family , and it is here that the burden of active citizenship is liable to fall disproportionately on women .
25 It also enjoys picking food items off living coral .
26 It also promised to cut energy and water consumption by 5 per cent this year .
27 It also has to assume responsibility for those children who lack parents or are not receiving proper care .
28 But looking after the stock does n't only mean handling it carefully ; it also means planning stock levels , ordering goods and storing them .
29 It also aims to fund research into the geographical characteristics of ski areas , study all aspects of safety in such areas and encourage proficiency in skiing among the Armed Forces .
30 It also envisaged strengthening education with production , that is , treating the school as a productive and income-generating unit where students learn through practical application of their knowledge .
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