Example sentences of "it [verb] are [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission 's substantive decisions and the level of fines it imposes are subject to review by the European Court of First Instance , which is given power to increase fines as well as to cancel or reduce them .
2 However , getting the temperature just right for life to arise on a planet is so unlikely that the chances of it occurring are billions to one against .
3 When the algorithm starts with an empty grammar , the only symbols it has are those in the text .
4 Right , oh yes it 's got a , a lot of discrepancies , but the point is that the discrepancies it has are explicable in terms of what the discrepancies were trying to hide and correct and to that extent it 's a bit like psychoanalysing an individual patient .
5 Once an agreement has been registered in the register of restrictive agreements ( which is open to public inspection ) , the Director General may refer it to the Restrictive Practices Court for a decision on whether the restrictions it contains are contrary to the public interest .
6 The State Administration for Environmental Protection has made public the names of 3,000 businesses which it says are responsible for the lion 's share of China 's industrial pollution .
7 The issues it raises are likely to be addressed in evidence and also in reports provided to the court by the guardian ad litem and others .
8 We can apply the test to the technical and technological subjects , and not only those , but the professional subjects also ; and the boundary line will run now on this side , now on that ; but the things that it divides are different in kind , and only on one side of that line lies what we ought to allow to be education .
9 Research and development costs £20,000 : these are sunk costs and it follows are irrelevant to the decision .
10 While the comprador class may ( but not necessarily ) admit that its interests and those of the foreigners it serves are antagonistic to those of co-nationals , the transnational capitalist class conceives of its interests and the interests of the global capitalist system that it serves , as identical with those of national development .
11 Otherwise , the freedoms that it implies are likely to atrophy through lack of use .
12 In working towards the growth of a total quality culture it seeks to impact on all aspects of Scottish life , encompassing corporate responsibility and individual quality awareness both of which it believes are fundamental to long-term Scottish success .
13 Survival International , in co-operation with Minewatch , has published details of activities by some of the world 's major industrial companies which it claims are responsible for causing serious damage to the traditional lands of tribal people in the Americas .
14 SNH , in its submission to Lord Donaldson 's inquiry on the prevention of pollution from merchant shipping , identifies measures which it claims are vital to the protection of Scotland 's marine and coastal environments .
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