Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 First published ( under a different title ) in 1909 , it eventually sold over a million copies and was translated into 25 languages .
2 The Clarion 's offices were small and dingy , but despite this , and the fact that it only appeared once a week , the magazine had a large and growing circulation because of the crusading character of its editor , J. D. O'Connor , who had been a leading journalist with the Morning Post before he had struck out on his own , financed by money left to him by his land-owning father .
3 This is made worse by the fact that few butchers hang their lamb these days , despite the fact that it only needs about a week to bring on the flavour .
4 Some students find it best to set aside a regular time each week ( perhaps at the weekend ) to file all the notes taken during the previous week .
5 It rapidly becomes merely a human love .
6 It still incorporated both a zoological and a botanical garden , but now had an extensive research and teaching function .
7 Table 6.5 reveals a slight contraction in this sector during the 1970s , but nevertheless in 1980 it still represented over a third of the economically active population for the region as a whole .
8 Nor is Zurich neglecting its home base , where it still earns nearly a quarter of its premiums and does nearly half of its life insurance business .
9 It also had quite a large choir for so small a Church , a photo taken in the twenties showing the choir outside the old Church with Mrs Still 's husband and son .
10 It also requires only a fraction of the fees of other European Universities .
11 To me , the smell is not unlike fresh human ‘ BO ’ , but a bit sweeter ; it also has quite a peppery hint to it and a touch of wood smoke .
12 The East Sussex region is interesting because it has a very high retired population and it also has quite a long of young people , particularly in the Brighton area , and a relatively small workforce , rather low in industry , certainly in the primary industries , erm service occupations are perhaps almost the mainstay of the local populace — now how would an area such as that rate in your chart as to needs ?
13 But while part of his famous ‘ Closing statement ’ is , as we have seen , a development of Prague School theory , it also puts forward a view of poetic language in some respects markedly different from that of the Thèses and Mukařovský .
14 Equally , a significantly higher concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 in malignant ascites confirms previous work , but as it is a weaker inhibitor of tissue plasminogen activator and is present in much lower concentrations than plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 , it probably plays only a small part in the overall inhibition of fibrinolytic activity .
15 It probably played only a small role in maintaining accumulation once that got going .
16 Whatever we may think of Oliphant 's views , we have to assume there would be little point in attacks on [ h ] -dropping by the educated elite unless it was highly salient and widespread , and it is reasonable to assume for these reasons that it probably has quite a long history in the language .
17 So , you work it out take home an hour but to be realistic you 've got ta take petrol out of it .
18 For him it now became less a place of protest than a refuge for failures , free-loaders and misfits .
19 He said : ‘ The EC meat does n't keep very well , especially as it often comes quite a distance .
20 It then becomes rather a compromise of finding the optimum angle to sail to the wind in different conditions .
21 It then becomes rather a chore having to re-apply those etch-resist transfers all over again .
22 So you 're saying it actually has quite a lot of advantages ?
23 It actually tilted backwards a fraction of an inch , then righted itself again .
24 It therefore had only a limited use in the oral short term therapy of urinary tract infections .
25 In contrast to this , according to the emotivist thesis , the typical cause and effect of a statement like ‘ Personal affection is a great good ’ is not any kind of genuine belief , which could be true or false , but an emotional attitude of favouring personal affection , which each of us may find ourselves either sharing or otherwise , but which we can not properly call true or false ; it therefore has primarily an emotive rather than a descriptive meaning .
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