Example sentences of "for any [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Compensation is payable under three heads : for any depreciation of value in the claimant 's interest in the land , for disturbance in his enjoyment of the land and for the expense of carrying out any works in compliance with the Order .
2 Therefore , a starting point for any discussion of community care must be a realistic appraisal of informal systems .
3 ( A knowledge of Gaelic is not a prerequisite for any level of study . )
4 Now the purpose of therefore of this training course and any any training course is to do this is to be able to handle the arousal and increase your level of performance and even get the peak to move that way so for any level of arousal you 're getting better performance but you 're also able to handle a bit more butterflies a bit more of the nerves in order to perform effectively , and apart from a training course like this how do you achieve that ?
5 You just shot up , whizzing all over the place , erratic but really zooming , and that partly compensated for any lack of technique .
6 ‘ Good thinking , Princess , ’ he said , with an easy charm that made up for any lack of etiquette .
7 Only Trethowan 's name was omitted , presumably more for reasons of his public reputation as an interviewer and commentator than for any lack of enthusiasm for the Conservative cause .
8 Although Stennis lacks the scope and sheer number of routes to be found at nearby St Govan 's Head , its climbs certainly make up in quality for any lack of quantity .
9 With respect , it is submitted , that to the extent that the observation may be characterized as seeking to compensate for any lack of clarity in the formulation of the rule in Pepper v. Hart , by the threat of judicial orders for costs , this approach is wrong in principle .
10 When warmed through , tacos make wonderful containers for any variety of filling , from a simple combination of leftover meats to the more traditional minced beef and bean mixture , flavoured with taco seasoning and topped with lettuce , tomatoes and olives .
11 Johnson , as a southerner know that in spite of winning 90% of the black vote in 1964 , he would be minutely scrutinized by civil rights leaders for any sign of hesitation in this area .
12 They carefully scanned the area , unmoving , and waiting for any sign of life .
13 Where the lawn ended she stopped and looked out across the bay , scanning the water for any sign of life .
14 Feverishly they attacked the sea , their eyes straining for any sign of movement in the red-tinged , black water .
15 He went out for a few moments and stood on the steps between the Greek pillars , looking in the direction of the Residency for any sign of movement .
16 I was climbing in low gear , my eyes searching the vehicle and the bank behind it for any sign of movement .
17 He searched for any sign of recognition , of familiarity , but there was none .
18 Goblin wolf riders raid and pillage far afield , while outriders scour the surrounding countryside for any sign of enemy armies .
19 Raising the trapdoor a little more so he could see out , he cautiously pushed out the barrel of the shotgun and checked for any sign of enemy personnel , as best as he could in his limited field of vision .
20 He winced slightly as she gently probed the area for any sign of infection .
21 One answer , of course , is to say that , for any practical purposes , there is no such thing as the one correct expression of the topic for any fragment of discourse .
22 The proper approach to development lies , no doubt , somewhere between a slavish attachment to all things foreign and an atavistic distaste for any type of change .
23 The Executive Chairman must decide the liability of the buffer stock account for any type of expenditure , and is answerable to the International Tin Council for any details of the operations of the buffer stock .
24 At first glance the size of the surpluses , their volatility , and the corresponding deficits in oil importing countries would appear to pose an overwhelm-ing problem for any type of exchange rate system .
25 We need to be able to define a measure of strain which is valid for any type of deformation , not just extensional or shear distortion .
26 This is an essential system for any type of service but is even more important in PHC for facilitating equitable resource distribution .
27 Our focus here is on information received by the enterprise from the external environment ; but a similar dilemma exists for any type of information within the firm .
28 The very large hotels are comfortably geared to provide the venue for any type of conference , large or small .
29 Harvard Graphics Windows is one of the latest generation of presentation packages that make it easy for anybody to produce a stylish and professional looking presentation suitable for any type of audience .
30 Questions 1 to 4 cover considerations necessary for any type of intervention but they are not arranged in a logical , systematic order .
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