Example sentences of "the [noun sg] of [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 Soon after the change of government the heads of national radio and television and of the CTK news agency , as well as many newspaper editors , were replaced .
2 In the case of selection the given point is the job and the population is searched to find the most appropriate worker , in the case of guidance one worker is the starting point and the range of jobs is searched to identify the best one .
3 Choosing the most appropriate things to eat and in the case of man the most effective materials for tools and weapons is adaptive in the sense that it makes for biological survival : organisms which practise the keenest discrimination flourish at the expense of those less discriminating in their choices .
4 held that in the case of forfeiture the individual was entitled to an unbiased tribunal , notice and a hearing , whereas in the case of an application less was required .
5 ( In the case of sentience the illusory difficulties rapidly multiply .
6 For example , in the case of housework the omission of this topic from both family sociology and the sociology of work clearly conveys a distorted impression of women 's situation .
7 In the case of fire the usual careful consideration should be given to the cause of the fire to ensure that arson by the policyholder is not suspected .
8 The reason a black hole ‘ remembers ’ the electric charge , angular momentum , and mass of the matter that collapsed and forgets everything else is that these three quantities are coupled to long-range fields : in the case of charge the electromagnetic field , and in the case of angular momentum and mass the gravitational field .
9 Consider the case of gnash the teeth and purse the lips .
10 But the truly irresistible and the immovable are abstractions ; great prizes warrant intense efforts and so in the case of fusion the quest continues .
11 In the case of death the licence is transferred to an executor , representative or disponee , in the case of bankruptcy to the trustee , and in the case of incapacity to the judicial factor or curator bonis , provided , in each case , that the applicant is in possession of the premises and is a fit person to hold a licence .
12 In the case of glass the important defect is usually the surface crack , in the case of brittle crystals it is usually the surface step .
13 In the case of mythology the saga teller will always produce a version of the story which puts his own ancestors in a particularly favourable light .
14 Also , endoscopic treatment has the advantage of pre-emptying the obstruction that may result from radiotherapy .
15 Such routines also have the advantage of pre-empting the ‘ easy ’ route of ducking out of what the player feels is his or her weakest area …
16 After what seemed ages , Dustin thought he might be willing to co-star in John and Mary if only in gratitude for the bit of play-doctoring the two visitors had done .
17 A survey of Central American women 's development programmes carried out by the Mexican government 's " Women 's Documentation Centre " in April 1982 produced from the Ministry of Education the following list of publications on women 's issues available in El Salvador : Vision Magazine ; Today At Home ; TV Guide ; Vanity ; Cosmopolitan ; Good Housekeeping .
18 According to the Ministry of Justice the measure was necessary because such organizations had a " largely destructive influence " .
19 Where these latter principles of differentiation are coterminous with certain aspects of the division of labour ( and with each other ) , the chances of formation of a politically pertinent collectivity within the ‘ division of labour grid ’ may be increased ( e.g. ‘ working class ’ catholics in the west of Scotland as a traditional Labour Party support-base ) ; where they cut across the division of labour the chances may be diminished ( the difficulty of developing ‘ class ’ politics in Northern Ireland ) .
20 As Bürger has it : ‘ Aestheticism had made the distance from the praxis of life the content of works .
21 In the provinces most affected by the wave of prosperity the number of cattle thefts reported in 1898 — 9 was twenty-seven per cent less than in 1897 and 1900 ( Table 3.4 ) .
22 The aisle is roofed at a lower level than the nave and the triforia have the function of masking the lean-to roofs which cover these vaults .
23 To tell the story behind The Tale of Peter Rabbit , an exhibition of Beatrix Potter 's Lake District will open in Tokyo on 20 September in the presence of HRH the Princess Royal , before moving on to Osaka and Okayama and finishing on 16 October in Kyoto .
24 The Guidelines were introduced as part of the recent launch of the International Hotels Environment Initiative ( IHEI ) in the presence of HRH The Prince of Wales and attended by hotel representatives from 11 of the leading hotel chains of the world , between them controlling over 11 million rooms .
25 It 's the kind of operation the Community Health Council believes could soon be transferred out of the county :
26 Taste is then seen principally as the cause of ‘ classism ’ , which can be defined as the kind of distaste the middle and upper classes feel for the vulgar in fun fairs , cheap commodities , artificial copies , or lack of style , and the contempt working people feel for the pretentious , cold and degenerate middle and upper classes .
27 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to call on David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price the Foundation charges for a licence : it says the Foundation is now redoing its sums .
28 Studies of Health Authorities in the 1980s unearthed many examples of the kind of member the government has in mind but whose impact was minimal ( Haywood & Ranade , 1985 ) .
29 That is the kind of question the miners of the country will ask , and they will say they have been deceived , betrayed , duped .
30 Children are influenced most by example and by the kind of person the step-parent is . ’
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