Example sentences of "in [adj] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Produces the leading brand of Scotch whisky in eight out of the top fifteen markets in the world .
2 In 1948 down on the River Thames in his home town of Henley he was preparing to race in an Olympic final .
3 One in each down at the bottom yeah .
4 The shipyard was opened in 1940 and rebuilt in 1986 along with the tidal wall .
5 We share costs , but the cost of living is very low in this out of the way corner of Greece .
6 Cut any large shallots in half down through the root .
7 Although lay delegates had been tried before — in the 1290s , for example — the frequency of their presence in six out of the last eleven assemblies of Edward III 's reign added a new ( and continuing ) dimension to convocation .
8 In 86 per cent of referrals ( 43 cases ) there was legitimate reason to investigate even if in 10 out of the 43 cases it was judged that the public concern was inaccurate .
9 The outcome meant that the SPD was now in government ( either alone or as the dominant partner ) in 10 out of the 16 Länder .
10 The emphasis was on the termination of parental rights in favour of long-term fostering and adoption ; Tunstill comments that , in three out of the four case histories in the guide to the assumption of parental rights , the only possibility of a ‘ happy ending ’ was by means of such steps .
11 The outlines of Freud 's later theory were made available in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego ( 1921 ) , the first mention of the death instincts having been made in 1920 in Beyond the Pleasure Principle .
12 The Cadillac Automobile Company was formed in 902 out of the remnants of one of Henry Ford 's early attempts at building cars , and the company 's backers turned to Leland for help .
13 Coventry Workshop , one independent research , education and advice centre , founded in 1975 out of the Home Office-sponsored Community Development Project , tried to service a range of community and trade union organisations .
14 From 1559 until 1584 , years of almost unbroken peace , direct taxation from laity and clergy rose above £20,000 in sixteen out of the twenty-three years for which figures are available .
15 But in 1989 , 1990 and 1991 the Extended HGSC Index underperformed , as it did in 1992 up to the date when this issue went to press .
16 Someone with the £10,000 maximum , assuming average luck , can expect to collect a prize in 11 out of the 12 monthly draws each year — a return of about 6.5 per cent .
17 Spotted Crakes were recorded in 17 out of the 30 years between 1947 and 1976 , with a total of 26 birds seen .
18 The societies had been created in 1964 out of the committees which were set up to organise the 1963 commemorations of the bicentenary of the birth of Wolfe Tone , the leader of the United Irishmen and martyr of the 1798 Rising .
19 It was formed in 1913 out of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants , together with the General Railway Workers ' Union and the United Pointsmen 's and Signalmen 's Society ( Bagwell 1963 ) .
20 The boys ' success rates were higher than those of the girls in 80 out of the 81 questions .
21 In 25 out of the 45 main engineering export categories , Germany is the leader .
22 However , they did find that the APT correctly predicted the risk-free rate in 6 out of the 7 portfolios .
23 Although the University as a whole was 0.2% above GB average , it fell below average in 3 out of the 5 categories and received no additional numbers in Humanities , Social Sciences or Engineering .
24 In five out of the last seven years the success rate for this type of appeal has been the first or second highest for all categories and almost one in every two appeals has been lost by local authorities .
25 One of the world 's top 10 computer manufacturers , Unisys was created in 1987 out of the merger of two smaller companies , Burroughs and Sperry .
26 This was an impressive record ; only two other men sat in nine out of the ten Elizabethan Parliaments .
27 Using a definition of unfair trade based on " internationally accepted rules , as set out in GATT [ General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ] , and in comparable international agreements " , the report indicted the USA for employing unfair trade practices in nine out of the 10 areas where offences were deemed to be most internationally common .
28 In comparison with its direct rivals , the larger general converters , Colodense was placed number one in nine out of the 14 business areas .
29 Before leading a protest outside the Scottish Office , the Scottish Trades Union Congress general secretary , Campbell Christie , said unemployment was now at its highest level for almost four years , with the official figures showing a rise in 13 out of the last 14 months .
30 Clerical representatives , after all , sat in it almost as often as their lay counterparts who consented to lay subsidies : in seventeen out of the nineteen of Edward II 's parliaments to which knights and burgesses were summoned there were also clerical proctors present .
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