Example sentences of "a [noun] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's such a variety and it 's involved both face to face and direct sales that er er I know I stopped you right in the middle of your spiel there .
2 Yes , you can rely on the various methods by which you draw a shape on a chart and it tells you automatically how many stitches and rows you need but for those machines that are not so sophisticated you are left with simple maths .
3 No one had wanted to believe that Paula 's beauty went right through her more than Sally did for she was a shining golden idol as well as a sister and it had been a shock to Sally when she had at last been forced to concede , in private at least , that the other girls might have been right in the accusations they made .
4 Gesner fought a bit but it did n't work .
5 I mean it may have pleased the Irish government a bit but it 's got implications both domestically and internationally .
6 I took the pins from my hair to dry it a bit and it sprang free .
7 It 's a trick but it helps it took all the
8 if you go in a freezer and it shrivels so then if you go in the fridge
9 I mean it 's just like Aston is , it is , is , it 's , it 's a university but it has n't been a university for that long , it was a technological institute before
10 It 'd be a leet and it carried the water .
11 Cos I I got a watch and it says five past twelve , but it 's more than that !
12 It 's easy to push a bike and it belts downhill .
13 He says there 've been stories about a buyer but it has n't happened yet .
14 Perhaps the book of lamentation is not the book you normally turn to , to find words of encouragement , but there are tremendous encouragements to be found in it , listen what the profits says there , in the third chapter , he says this I recall to my mind , and he 's talking about the time of his own affliction , the time when he is going through it , the time when nobody loves him , the time when everybody 's against him , when he 's suffering and he 's in pain the time when life is full of bitterness for him , he says this I recall to my mind , therefore I have hope , the lords loving kindness indeed never ceases for his compassion 's never fail and here Jesus is demonstrating that , he 's compassion 's never fail , he 's loving kindnesses they never cease , here in his dying hour Jesus is showing that in reaching out to this man but as we said the other week the , the deepest , the most important significance of what Jesus did then , of what Jesus said then , its not just of the historical account , but that he is able and willing to say and to do exactly the same today in your experience and in mine , what he did for that man on the cross he 's ready and willing to do for every one of us the incident may of happened nineteen hundred years ago , but there 's the old hymn , the verse reminds us , picks out that very story and it says the dying thief rejoiced to see that fountain in his day and there may I , though via us he wash all my sins away , and that verse from William Cowper 's hymn , it takes up that great historical event , that tremendous happening in that man 's life and he links it with a present and it applies it to you and to me and says this can be our experience as well .
15 Measure that and have a look and it comes just on the thirty .
16 There was a storm and it stayed .
17 This is not always the case , though — I once had a kestrel that I 'd decided from its plumage was a male and it turned out to be a female , and although this has never happened to me with a barn owl , I know people who 've made that mistake .
18 And if anybody had got a cow and it calved , we used to go to him and say could we have the beastlings , please .
19 ‘ Between October and January I thought through what I wanted to do , and came to the conclusion that it had to be a change and it had to be something I was interested in , which really came down to working with people .
20 ‘ The more effects you use the more you lose the original signal of the guitar and I like the fact that it sounds like a guitar and it sounds really twangy .
21 The overall costs of implementing RMI are also beginning to be a worry and it seems likely that there will be a slowing down of large-scale implementation with a preference being given to smaller more gradualistic approaches to providing information needs .
22 So , if we are grooming a horse and it tries to cow-kick us , we retaliate with a sharp verbal reproach or a smack with the flat of the hand , and usually the horse decides to accept that we are the boss and minds its manners in the future .
23 They had just negotiated a lock and it had been her turn to go ashore .
24 The room was rippling with the sounds of their scuffle as they fought in bitter silence , knocking into wooden furniture , she trying to get away , he trying to get her to the bed until they fell against a nightstand and it crashed to the floor .
25 Am I right in saying that Susan 's with us for a full year every Wednesday and John is supposed to be with us for a term but it 's been extended has n't it
26 She meant it as a compliment but it made me sound like her GP .
27 The idea that drinking nablabs was a seriously smart thing to do ant that hordes or women would subsequently fall at one 's feet probably looked great on a storyboard but it failed to impress the punters .
28 However , this is only a recommendation and it remains to be seen just how much notice the courts will take or whether legislation will follow .
29 always spread a and I I was listening to or or during a programme and it said er , we 're always told how firms are going down the shoot !
30 Toxoplasmosis infection is caused by a parasite and it affects 50 per cent of us by the time we 're 70 .
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