Example sentences of "and that [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm by insuring that direct line , and that we have training facilities here which are part of the social contract , and that we have er investment , through regional investment , in this particular area , then we can create jobs that suit the skills that we 've er made available to the general population , and that we got through that rail link a direct line access to all the markets within Europe , which is going to expand , er not withstanding my objections , from the twelve to the sixteen and right the way through to Russia .
2 In girls ' work , for example , we began to learn from our experiences and commit ourselves to ensuring that facilities were genuinely available also to Jewish young women — that we tackled anti-Semitism ; that young women with disabilities were not excluded , and that we looked at our oppressive attitudes to disability and the institutions in which these were enshrined .
3 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
4 He was a realpolitiker , believing nation-states were the prime actors in world affairs and that they operated by the logic of the balance of power .
5 However the representatives of NEC and Fujitsu reserved comment , saying that they had not received official notice of their position and that they looked to the future to reveal this .
6 In his History of the Abbots Bede says that Ecgberht , king of Kent , sent a certain Wigheard to Rome where he wished him to be consecrated archbishop , and only subsequently in the Ecclesiastical History does Bede report that Oswiu and Ecgberht consulted together on what action to take about a successor to Deusdedit and that they agreed on the choice of one of Deusdedit 's clergy , Wigheard , whom they sent to Rome to be consecrated ( HE III , 29 ) .
7 In that same year Welford Beaton argued that it was people like clerks who made up the bulk of the great movie audience and that they went to the cinema for inspiration .
8 It will be easy to pick out from these products the types of learning objective that might have been achieved ; one hopes that in general these correlated with those the teachers had in mind from the beginning , and that they learnt from their examination of the results .
9 When are we gon na have rules revisions , there 's a long way to go and as the , the er General Secretary said , be careful , because I 've been to talks with , on , from the Regional Committee with the T & G yes we got on lovely with them , they 're fine , they , they gave us a nice big er commemorative medal of the dockers ' strike and it 's got my granddad and my great granddad on it cos they was there in the other union mind you while we 've done all the striking and that they stood by , but nevertheless they 're not bad lads anyway and as John said we must be careful that we are not the ones that are gon na be taken over , because I remember that old song of the fifties , never smile at a crocodile
10 The principal obstacle was Jackson ; as in Tokyo , Americans believed that Australian representatives were too radical in their political sympathies and that they worked against American policies .
11 They , they asked that it be done on a Friday and a Saturday and that they appeared on Thursday with it , erm , I 'm getting on with it .
12 Izvestiya of Nov. 17 pointed out that the leaders of local administrations often had " more real power than the heads of Russian Federation constituent republics " and that they acted as a support base for Yeltsin .
13 Apparently Naud has discovered that there about ‘ 1700 semi-mounted ploughs sold in the UK ’ , presumably annually , and that they wanted to be a big part of that market .
14 I am told there are two sisters who dwell under one roof , and can not speak to one another , for the one is a Free Churcher and the other is a Baptist ; and that one gave to the other cause of great offence , having put cream in the tea of the other when such kind office was not desired .
15 The two women had not been able to help much by way of descriptions apart from recounting details of the horrific masks the burglars wore and that one appeared to be rather thin ( the one with the broken leg ) .
16 It is very sad to report that the entire actuarial staff of the Society was in bed before midnight and that everyone appeared with rosy complexion and clear eyes the following morning …
17 Surely the Friend would be justified in rejecting the case by saying that he was living in the present and that whatever happened in the future , whether he married and had a son or not , would be of doubtful relevance to his own mind or body now .
18 He then said that he now had confirmation from the police and that I qualified for a transfer and would receive an offer for Govan ( where my dad is ) within a week .
19 ‘ I 'm sure that you 're aware that my mother was American and that I lived in London for many years as a boy when my father was military attaché at the German Embassy .
20 I knew that I possessed a sidereal compass and that I belonged to another world .
21 A fierce aunt shocked me by telling me shyness is a form of rudeness and selfishness , and that I had to be the first to talk to two people .
22 But then , having exhausted his recollections of the circumstances of his writing the paper , he switched to more personal matters and enquired carefully how I was getting on in a way that made me reel that my mission had been worthwhile and that I had by no means wasted his morning .
23 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
24 This has not prevented accusations that Bantam shamefully exploited my illness and that I cooperated with this by allowing my picture to appear on the cover .
25 His mother felt helpless about the problem and that it reflected on her capability as a mother .
26 The belief that self-validation was not an ideal system and that it prevailed in universities for historical reasons only .
27 In construing the Act without reference to the Parliamentary proceedings , he treats it as decisive that in this case the taxpayers ' children were only occupying surplus accommodation and that it lay in the discretion of the school whether to grant such benefit to the taxpayers .
28 Lord Fraser ( at p813 ) stated : The Crown contended that the definition in s454(3) ( now TA 1988 ss681(4) ) applied to all transactions that did not have a bona fide commercial reason , and that it applied to the present transaction , the sole reason for which was to avoid tax .
29 More important was that German and Italian aid tended to arrive on request , and especially when most needed following Nationalist setbacks or preceding major pushes ; that it was channelled through Franco as Nationalist leader and not , as with Soviet aid to the Republic , through a political faction ; and that it came on easy credit terms with no political strings attached .
30 An investigation of the Directorate published in Izvestiya of Oct. 22 , 1992 , revealed that the October 1991 order to form it from the troops of the Russian Interior Ministry was unknown to Supreme Soviet deputies ; that its personnel was armed and " in exceptional circumstances " could distribute its arms to people 's deputies ; that it guarded about 75 buildings in Moscow , " two-thirds of which have absolutely no relation to the parliament " ; and that it came under the jurisdiction only of the parliamentary Chairman .
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