Example sentences of "and [pron] have just been " in BNC.

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1 Though , it 's just that , one of the things that Caroline actually , er working on with Warwick University is a way of re-looking at public services and how there funded right , it 's basically to help David to make the case with Margaret Margaret for more money with the local Government , but erm I mean the sort of things we 've been getting into is like when you considering paying for public services , should you , should you pay like in advance like through the National Insurance System or like , like I mean the French Health Service for example , people pay it for ambulances when they use them , though they pay on a differential rate , but I mean it 's an issue to debate , it 's right , and I 've just been thinking about lavatory while you 've been speaking .
2 And I 've just been back and checked just to be sure , ’ his mate added .
3 Before Rachel was born I bought about six stretchsuits , and I 've just been given 12 more but I have n't had to spend much on her clothes yet because I 've had so many presents .
4 They 're not actually erm , using the D S O , and I 've just been involved in the
5 The timing was opportune because Ned was able to take a year out from his university course ; Matthew had just finished school ; Val got 6 months ’ leave of absence from her job ; and I had just been given early retirement .
6 Leonard Cheshire and I were pilot officers together in No 4 Group at the beginning of the war ; he came from the dreaming spires of Oxford and I had just been commissioned as a pilot officer after serving a stint of five years as a sergeant pilot .
7 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
8 Your back was patted ( not stabbed ) and you 've just been told to invest some company money in some brand new metal .
9 Well I 'm gla glad she 's getting something done about it now cos you and she 'd just been left , sh er , had n't been persuaded she 'd have just let it go on and on and on would n't
10 Finding a lone man amid open ocean is doubtful at the best of times , and we had just been through the densest fog bank either one of us had ever experienced .
11 He made it sound like we 've been our for a , you know , a romantic candle lit dinner and , you know , and we 'd just been down to his study for God 's sake !
12 And we have just been noticing that Brentano , like the British empiricist , John Locke , thinks of believing , expecting , hoping , and so on , as things — Locke called them ‘ operations ’ , Brentano called them ‘ phenomena ’ — as things we perceive in ourselves .
13 ‘ Funnily enough , that 's been one of the nice things about Harwich : people have n't overburdened everything with all my troubles and they 've just been themselves .
14 gone to their GP 's , and often have been given some sort of medicine for their depression but have n't had the counselling side of things dealt with and they 've just been given re-prescriptions , not necessarily seen every time for a re-prescription .
15 and er just at the very end all you could see was her and your man , the hologram and he 'd just been killed about five minutes earlier .
16 w well not over her but , but really , really really chummy yeah , and I thought and he 'd just been saying how pretentious she was most of the evening most of the afternoon I mean .
17 oh , he said , that 'd be very interesting and he 'd just been to see the and I said how is she ?
18 ‘ Thirty-five , he is , and he 's just been told he 's not got long to live .
19 Most of you wo n't remember the time , and I certainly do n't , some of you will , you 'll be familiar with the er , healing accounts , seeing pictures on , er either in magazines or on the television news , in in old news reels , of that time when Neville Chamberlain stepped out of an aeroplane , and he 's just been to Germany and , and had a meeting with Hitler .
20 ‘ The way you and he have just been pawing each other about just has to mean that , in your own sweet way , ’ he inserted thunderously , ‘ you 've been endorsing the fact that your affair with him is over ! ’
21 Her first book Lamb , Leeks and Laverbread explored the delights of Welsh food , and it had just been published when her husband , a British army officer , was offered a two-year posting in Cyprus .
22 and it 's just been another seven years you 've been able to work
23 Unlike many psychodynamic theories , this one is at least susceptible to proof or disproof and it has just been comprehensively disproved .
24 I myself would seemingly represent the environmental lobby , but there have been others , many ex-members of Harwell , who have been campaigning for a long time now , many years , to get these reactors shut down , and it has just been a very long slog , and eventually the truth has had to come to light to shut these reactors down .
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