Example sentences of "says [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 So if somebody says I 'll have a set of double glazing doors or something until they 've actually been installed he then gets paid .
2 doctor says I 'll have a few words with him .
3 Yes she come yesterday afternoon I sat and I says I 'll have a go , I says then I had flu did n't I ?
4 know nothing after that , but anyway I said it will , I 'm putting this away so I 'll have a hundred pound then and if she does n't come I says I 'll have a hundred pound for
5 " This lawyer fellow says I can have a flat in the stableyard . "
6 I says I 'd like a rise .
7 just happened to mention in the night says I 'd like a white telly you know , go a bit more with , with the decor
8 Doctor Staples says you may take a turn on the walks from now on .
9 To get the bast value for money in terms of advice and information , Professor Malcolm Hollis , spokesman for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ( RICS ) , says you should ask a surveyor to cover various points , with price guidance for each one .
10 This bloke says he wants four or five other vans by the end of next year and he says if you can get your driving lessons all done and passed he says you can take a van out on your own and have someone working under you I 'd , like you work under me .
11 No one says you could train a monkey to use it ; but ‘ you could train a very unintelligent operative ’ .
12 Richard Buckley , a retired funeral director stated , ‘ Nothing says you must have a funeral director to carry out a funeral — nothing says you have to take a body to the crematorium in a hearse .
13 Course I wisnae thinkin so I says Ah 'll have a wee cognac and Isabel 'll huv a Campari soda !
14 The law of averages says we 'll score a few . ’
15 I tell Marie I 'd like some gloves cos I lost mine , and she says we 'll have a look and see if there 's any good cheap ones .
16 But Barry Ward says we should take a closer look at the East of England .
17 But on the question of competitive tendering I think mentioned by Mr which he says we should have a different attitude .
18 Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke says we can do a Roman banquet so we got a book from the library about what sort of food they ate .
19 Antineutrons should be hard to miss ; Chupp says they would generate a signal of two billion electron volts , four times the 500 million electron volts of the most energetic neutrons detected .
20 ‘ Father says they can graft a new hand onto the nerve ends .
21 He calls Mr Forsyth a ‘ clever wee chiel ’ ( child ) , and as one raised in a hard debating school says he would relish a public debate with the Scottish Office Minister and the other candidates .
22 He says — what 's that phrase of his ? — he says he can drop a stone into that particular well and never hear the splash .
23 And now he , says he can sense a bad danger coming upon the warren .
24 He says he can guarantee a student will pass after just 3 weeks cramming .
25 Well , Herman Schrijver says he will hire a car when the warm weather comes and drive her down to lunch with me in the Green Belt … .
26 So now he says he will marry a Russian princess !
27 Walker says he will adopt a ‘ total approach ’ to inner-city problems : ‘ If you simply improve the infrastructure , but do nothing about jobs , you still have all the problems of crime and unemployment .
28 And er he , of course with him being a blacksmith , he could get a job anywhere in America , he says he could leave a town tonight and land in another town , he says and he could be sure of getting a job with him being a blacksmith .
29 The man in charge of road mending says he 'd need a thirty per cent increase in funds to fill the hole in his budget
30 He says it would set a precedent .
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