Example sentences of "might [adv] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Taking a simple example , you might suddenly have an intimation that it is time to change direction and find a new job .
2 Hilary Seymour-Strachey had readily agreed , for , though he had not his brother 's absorbing and exclusive interest in money — still , he always had a use for it , and the thought was beginning to occur to him that he might soon have a woman and child to support , in addition to himself .
3 WHILE Craig Chalmers revealed in this paper earlier this week that he might just have a chance of being put on standby for the forthcoming British Lions tour , he is now more upbeat about the prospects of that happening .
4 it might just have a bit here
5 If I get too tired I might just have a lie down and have a little kip .
6 Nobody wanted to stroke a Gnome , except perhaps another Gnome , He thought he might just have a word with Caspar to see if Fenella could be brought along to his , Inchbad 's , bed that very night .
7 Hereford might just have a crisis of conscience tomorrow .
8 By the same token , the airline should inform the official investigators of any suspicions or failures that they have experienced in the recent past that might conceivably have a bearing on the accident .
9 He thinks there are some people around , some Poles , who might still have a grudge against Mills , and might be happy to see him murdered . ’
10 And then thought : I might still have a title .
11 Steer away from bloody television and we might still have a fighting chance .
12 Similarly , other Rowdies who have been shown to have given long service through organizing or chant leading might also have a chance of making the grade .
13 ( cut to ) It might also have a cancer killing effect .
14 What you can do is list all the people down here and then you might have a skills matrix you might also have a product knowledge matrix yeah ?
15 It even became possible to consider that the horse might also have a mind !
16 Or you might even have a home visit from your midwife to recheck your blood pressure away from the crowded scene of a busy antenatal clinic .
17 I might even have a go at Muslim fundamentalists and have a copy of the Satanic Verses there . ’
18 Why , it was almost indecent — she might even have a kid .
19 We might even have a copy of it .
20 I 'll phone Anne , she thought suddenly , tell her what 's going on ; the sound of her voice will make me feel better — she might even have an idea .
21 Seton and Ramsay were in favour , especially as this might well have a delaying effect on invasion moves .
22 When she glanced at him again he looked very grim and she wondered if she should have told Mitch that he might well have a lot of opportunity to photograph Spain — on foot as he walked back to Málaga .
23 Therefore , though the high density of Mercury suggested it might well have an iron core , Mercury was known to spin slowly and its large surface area to mass ratio indicated that its interior was cool enough for most or all of any core to be solid , and thus no detectable dipole field was expected .
24 You might then have a working dinner with a business speaker .
25 The Park might then have a chance to return to the ‘ wild character ’ which is its chief delight .
26 And the way things were it might never have a name or a life of its own .
27 England until almost the 1850s , when sometimes labouring men , particularly in country districts , might never have a fire in their hearths or taste meat all week , and faced death if they trapped a rabbit on the local lord-of-the-manor 's land .
28 Lisa still saw herself as a ‘ smoker ’ who was struggling to give up , rather than as a ‘ non-smoker ’ ( who might occasionally have a cigarette ) .
29 I realized that I might actually have a sin .
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