Example sentences of "must be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Effective computer support must be matched to human thinking so that communication is readily established and yet different in providing functions which supplement human thinking ( p. 233 ) .
2 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
3 Restructuring must coincide with the broader Community objectives , and Community funds must be matched by national funds .
4 Clearly the diversity of their experiences and needs and the significance of age and gender in defining the trajectory of drugs careers must be matched by flexible counselling and treatment .
5 Where a receiver or manager is appointed then this must be stated in various business documents relating to the company .
6 Whether Primary and Secondary copies must be split between different types of media .
7 If more than that number is required , requests must be supported by good reasons , and will require to be counter-signed by C Will , G Lomas or R Pankhurst .
8 If registration is to be based on likely rather than actual harm this must be supported by professional judgement , findings on investigation , or research data ( para 6.39(ii) ) .
9 Personal discussions , conferences and the publication of papers and articles must be supported by easy-to-use programs providing access to the new techniques .
10 The number quoted must be supported by written evidence from the EC customer .
11 This is why it is often stressed that strategic change must be supported by top managers .
12 A series of intermediates must be synthesized in strict sequence .
13 The interplay of class , status and party in the formation of social groups is complex and variable and must be examined in particular societies during particular time periods .
14 Oocytes in MI must be collected from ovarian follicles after the required time interval following injection of follicle-stimulating hormone [ pregnant mare 's serum gonadotropin ( PMSG ) and human chorionic gonadotrophin ( hCG ) .
15 Samples must be collected after thorough flushing of pipes , and testing must be done soon after collection .
16 Figures must be constructed for particular subjects in a particular situation ( see p.89 ) .
17 " We " must be credited with primal parents , a first father and a first mother , who were mortal like us , who procreated children like us , who , like us , were different from other animals and other beings , both real and imaginary .
18 Apart from the start state , which must be presented in full , any state can be described as its parent plus a few more details .
19 For removal by aeration , the alkalinity must be raised to above pH 9.5 .
20 During the six months since the appeal for the £3.5 million which must be raised from external sources was launched , fund-raising efforts have been targeted at individuals and institutions .
21 Although realistic estimates of the capital costs to the university for radical restructuring are not available , these are known to be substantial ( perhaps £200m immediately ) , and the implications of all the Tomlinson proposals to the wellbeing of Londoners , to the university , and to the practice of medicine in London must be viewed with great concern .
22 The field ‘ Split-type working ’ allows you to specify that Primary and Secondary copies must be stored on different media types .
23 The parameter ‘ Split-type working ’ allows the user to specify that Primary and Secondary copies must be stored on different media types .
24 He says because straw is a bulky material it 's expensive to transport — also it 's very inflammable and deteriorates once it gets wet so must be stored in big , dry storehouses .
25 Since this is , in effect , as much an oblique comment on the present as a literal interpretation of the past , what such accounts tell us about the quality of village life in the past must be handled with considerable scepticism .
26 Many questions must be tackled before anaerobic , iron-coupled photo-synthetic organisms will be accepted as the generators of the Precambrian BIFs .
27 Personal computers are too fragile to cope with viruses and must be replaced with sophisticated systems which are resilient to viruses in the first place .
28 No more than ten per cent can be drawn off per year , and this amount must be replaced by old wine of quality .
29 If they are not , monofilament nets must be replaced by biodegradable multifilament nets made out of a material like cotton , which are detectable by dolphin sonar .
30 The statement ‘ everyone has a right to medical care adequate to his health and well-being ’ is , in the Universal Declaration , tantamount to the highwayman 's ‘ stand and deliver ’ : if this right is not realisable within a society , it must be realised by compulsory redistribution and reorganisation as between societies , and if it is still impracticable even by compulsion on an international scale , so much the worse for the international community !
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