Example sentences of "may be [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such comparisons may involve other individuals or may be between one group and another .
2 Consensus theorists allocated a very important role to values ; whatever differences in expected behaviour there may be between different groups within a society they consider that a general consensus on the most significant values — central values — must exist for any society to operate satisfactorily .
3 Whatever reservations there may be about individual decisions from time to time , the basic premise that most planning decisions should be taken locally has never been seriously challenged .
4 These may be into existing degree schemes in the same college or another , into specially planned third-year academic or professional courses , or into employment ’ .
5 However con descending contemporary apologists may be to archaic conceptions of divine intervention , it is almost impossible to exaggerate the extent to which belief in such intervention once permeated European societies , creating popular images of the disruption of nature that could hardly have been congenial to a critical science of nature .
6 This rule can not effectively be pursued if strict mens rea principles are applied , however appropriate these may be to other areas of the criminal law .
7 However distasteful it may be to some people , this does at least provide a rational explanation for the behaviour of those bystanders , even if it does not excuse them .
8 A widower can become something of a ‘ cause ’ to those living in the same street or block of flats , whereas a widow , although not shunned , may be to some extent avoided by all but the most caring individuals in the early days of her bereavement .
9 There is some evidence ( by no means conclusive ) to indicate that the " hyper-male " situation ( XYY ) may be to some extent associated with aggressive tendencies and the XXY or XXXX situation with ultra.femininity .
10 Anathema as it may be to Welsh Rugby Union ears , this was something they realised at Twickenham at least five years ago and we have all seen the felicitous results .
11 This is that , no matter how good any one predator 's vision may be under some conditions , it can be exceedingly poor under other conditions .
12 One avenue for provision of such resources may be through collective bargaining .
13 This may be through private study , distance learning or attendance at formal courses .
14 This may be through formal meetings and newsletters but it is likely to be done most effectively by talking to your son or daughter about his or her progress and following up these discussions with the school .
15 This may be through universal services which reduce social and economic risks in the community , or specific services aiming to improve the circumstances of vulnerable individuals and families .
16 These may be of various forms .
17 These defensive attitudes , based on fear , envy , resentment and self-hatred , may be of various kinds .
18 A few taper to the top , such as the example from the cemetery at Berinsfield ( Oxfordshire ) ; some tapering vessels are bound with bronze , for example that from Droxford ( Hampshire ) , others may be of mixed construction such as those from Harwell ( Oxfordshire ) .
19 The fact that one prophecy does not come true does not mean you are dealing with a false prophet : ‘ It is possible for a true prophet to prophesy from the flesh or in the excitement of a moment … . ’ says John Wimber.2 In addition , the prophecy may be of mixed value , having one part God 's truth and two parts human enthusiasm .
20 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
21 Unlike an industrial accident involving a single emission source , the pollutants contributing to an urban smog are emitted from numerous diverse sources and may be of many types .
22 It now seems that the time of injection may be of crucial importance in determining the effects of melatonin .
23 For some people it may be of crucial importance , for others the family simply is not a significant source of emotional support .
24 Second , the relationship of the ‘ persuader ’ to the patient may be of crucial importance .
25 But I do think the minister er should er b be quite clear about that point er because er it may be of crucial importance , not just to the industry , er but also to the public interest who will want to know what the position is so far as er er these matters are concerned .
26 Unluckily , this may be of little help to the reader if the pictures illustrated are used as mere decoration , and not the subject of critical discussion .
27 With the wide availability of private transport their location may be of little significance unless tile primary demand is for retirement homes , when prospective purchasers will be heavily dependent on local services .
28 By the same token , new knowledge may be of little relevance to someone innovating a social instrument to satisfy a need that changing demographics or tax laws have created .
29 Demographics , for instance , may be of little concern to innovators in fundamental industrial processes like steel making , although Mergenthaler 's Linotype machine became successful primarily because there were not enough skilled typesetters available to satisfy a mass market .
30 This blurring of the boundaries may be of little consequence to users of the service , but it does have implications for the type of care they receive and which agency remains financially responsible for arranging that care .
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