Example sentences of "just [num] per cent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A Department of Employment survey in 1988 of individuals attending courses or receiving job-related training , found that just 4.5 per cent of economically active men aged 50–59 and 1.9 per cent of those aged 60–64 had received some form of course or training in the four weeks prior to the interview .
2 While the drift out of industrial employment was common to all developed countries after 1945 , in Britain in 1975 the ratio of non-industrial to industrial employment was 41 per cent , compared with 32.8 per cent in Germany , 27.9 per cent in the USA , 22.5 per cent in France , and just 4.5 per cent in Japan .
3 However , despite an effective campaign , Labour secured just 32 per cent of the vote , leaving the Conservative government with an overall majority of 102 .
4 After a month in the country which , as Communist Party boss , he controlled for 13 years in the '70s and '80s , his opinion poll rating is 70 per cent , compared with just eight per cent for Mr Gamsakhurdia .
5 Just eight per cent of homes are rented from private landlords — compared with 45 per cent in West Germany and around 33 per cent in the US .
6 The fact that Scottish-sourced network TV accounted for just 1.5 per cent of the national output and 0.8 per cent of the radio programming suggested to the task force it seems , that there should have been more money available for commissioning north of the border .
7 Similarly , broad money is growing at a rate of just 6.1 per cent against 10.9 per cent a year ago .
8 However , at present , they spend only $800 million on population programmes , equivalent to just 1.2 per cent of their total aid budget .
9 In the year to August , sales were just 1.2 per cent above a year ago .
10 By volume , retail sales grew just 1.2 per cent in the year to August and in the latest three months they were 1 per cent lower than in the previous period .
11 Local NGOs criticised the tiny proportion of the US$167 million funding going to indigenous people , just 1.8 per cent of the total , and called for stricter controls on the use of the funds by Brazilian government agencies .
12 To date , radio has trailed badly in the UK advertising stakes , taking just 2 per cent of total expenditure .
13 Even if they did , the breakdown of just 2 per cent of the paper in the cup would give off methane to match the greenhouse warming potential produced by all the pentane gas used to ‘ blow ’ the foam of a polystyrene cup .
14 Even in the poorest countries of all , there was a dramatic surge in the proportion of children receiving primary schooling : from just 30 per cent of boys and 14 per cent of girls in 1960 to 68 per cent of boys and 43 per cent of girls in the mid-1980s .
15 Other targets differed by region : in Japan , 89 per cent of respondents named consumers as a key audience , compared to just 43 per cent in Europe and 26 per cent in North America .
16 As we saw , Murdoch was able to control LWT in 1971 with initially just 7.5 per cent of the voting shares .
17 Cleveland was bottom of the 107 authorities with just 67 per cent of children making the grade .
18 Yet even the most draconian measures would still have little effect on health-care inflation — because drugs account for just 7 per cent of all spending on patients .
19 By their enormous concentration on defence they raised the issue by just 8 per cent in terms of public priorities and by just 7 per cent in terms of electoral significance .
20 for example , the Department of Agriculture for Scotland ( DAFS ) estimated there to be 75,000 people working in agriculture in Scotland in 1976 , but the Department of Employment data for the same year revealed only 33,000 people , or just 44 per cent of the DAFS total .
21 On a typical sage grouse lek , just 10 per cent of the males get over 75 per cent of all matings .
22 Over two thirds of Japanese car workers operate in multi-skilled teams , compared with just 10 per cent in the UK , and the land of the risen yen puts in two and a half times as many hours training its new workers in those skills .
23 Pre-tax profits in the three months to end-December rose just 4.4 per cent to £236 million from £226 million in the same period last year .
24 A tidy 34 billion cigarettes are sold every year in Thailand to 64 per cent of Thai males ( but just six per cent of females ) over the age of 20 .
25 A purchase of just 2.8 per cent of ICI last year was enough to spark talk of a pending mega-bid and cause gnashing of teeth among Labour politicians and union leaders .
26 The Chinese currently spend 10 to 20 per cent over and above their capital outlay on servicing their new computers over three years compared with just three per cent in the US .
27 Although only a small number of weapons had been eliminated , scientists had calculated that just 5 per cent of the weapons that existed were sufficient to destroy the world .
28 Working on the basis that 8 per cent of the population is presumed to be gay or lesbian , their core document suggests that just 5 per cent of the adult audience in Glasgow represents some 34,000 potential ticket buyers .
29 In July 1978 , he announced bluntly that the government would commit the unions to a pay-increase norm of just 5 per cent for the next twelve months .
30 Cedric Brown , BG 's chief executive , said that competitors had taken over 27 per cent of total contract gas sales last year , compared with just 5 per cent in May 1991 .
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