Example sentences of "corner of [pron] eye " in BNC.

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1 People see advertisements out of the corner of their eye as they drive along a road or look through a newspaper or magazine ; they catch a glimpse of half a TV commercial round their wives ' or husbands ' broad backsides as the biscuits are brought in during a commercial break .
2 And , out of the corner of her eye , Jinny saw that it was true .
3 She looked up at me out of the corner of her eye and lowered her voice .
4 Out of the corner of her eye she saw Prentice moving closer .
5 Agnes looked at Sadie out of the corner of her eye without turning round .
6 She crunched appreciatively and watched the urchin out of the corner of her eye .
7 She dabbed the corner of her eye with a black-edged handkerchief .
8 Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man in a white coat floundering through the snow towards them , and in some intuitive way this increased her anxiety to be off .
9 From the corner of her eye she saw the security guards wrestle him to the ground .
10 She was smiling and making money and catching people out of the corner of her eye .
11 Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tweed glance again in the wing mirror .
12 Sometimes , in fact , she had felt she was in danger of neglecting the rest of her pupils for though her voice continued to drone on , snapping out an instruction here , a correction there , she was in reality watching Paula out of the corner of her eye , and experiencing the same excitement of discovery that she had felt on the day when Paula had first walked into her office .
13 She was watching Edward out of the corner of her eye .
14 It had been a mere moment of whiteness seen out of the corner of her eye but it had not moved purposefully like a horse does with a rider .
15 Then , out of the corner of her eye , Perdita saw Angel approaching .
16 Out of the corner of her eye , she watched her husband staring down at the cot .
17 Out of the corner of her eye she was aware of the group of horses and riders .
18 The first she knew of the assault was a motion glimpsed from the corner of her eye : a blurred form approaching her at speed through the thickening sleet .
19 A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye but she made no move to look away .
20 She saw the shadowy movement out of the corner of her eye and she was still reaching for her Beretta when she was struck heavily on the shoulder , knocking the Geiger-Muller counter from her hand .
21 She was about to reach for her drink when she caught sight of the car out of the corner of her eye as it pulled up on the opposite side of the road — a white BMW , identical to the one her uncle had .
22 She felt a tear squeeze itself from the corner of her eye .
23 Her face was turned away , as if she had seen something out of the corner of her eye .
24 From the corner of her eye , she watched him pick up the first coil of rope .
25 She could see Klift 's body from the corner of her eye .
26 She caught , out of the corner of her eye , his gesture of disagreement .
27 She caught sight of a movement out of the corner of her eye , whirled , but was too late to see anything .
28 When he burst out against some restriction , delay , inaccuracy or bureaucratic procedure that was choking him , Laura sat with her hands neatly folded staring straight in front of her , a controlled tear welling in the corner of her eye , but never even near to a response .
29 Taking a sip , she caught a glimpse of someone familiar out of the corner of her eye .
30 Out of the corner of her eye she saw Oliver move irritably .
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