Example sentences of "control over the conditions " in BNC.

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1 Personal property is best linked with communal rather than private property , such as state or kin-held property , since it is a statement of relative inalienability , such that the social subject , individual or collective , associated with the object retains control over the conditions under which it may be alienated .
2 Our explanation for this was that unions might feel they had less control over the conditions of indirectly employed temporary workers than over the conditions of those who are directly employed .
3 The corollary of the possession of power by companies is that the individuals , interest groups , and communities affected by it suffer a lack of control over the conditions which determine how they live their lives .
4 Marx argued that the division of labour in capitalist society causes the worker to lose control over the conditions and fruits of his labour , with the result that he becomes estranged both from himself and from his fellow men .
5 In essence the courts ' control over the conditions of jurisdiction is premised upon the assumption that they are thereby effectuating the will of Parliament ; they are ensuring that the tribunal or authority remains within the boundaries of what Parliament intended it to examine by ensuring that those conditions are present .
6 However while this may provide the conceptual basis for judicial intervention , it furnishes little in the way of guidance as to the extent of control over the conditions of jurisdiction .
7 But there is also , I think , a more positive acceptance of the idea of an increasing rational control over the conditions of social life , which brings with it a recognition of the possibilities which now exist for effecting political changes by rational persuasion and legislation , but without ignoring the fact of substantial political conflict or lapsing into a utopian conception of social harmony .
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