Example sentences of "control over the economy " in BNC.

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1 At Present it appears that advocates of big spending programmes , expanding the public sector , inflation-risking policies , and increasing state control over the economy are in a minority .
2 At 8.30am on his first day on the job , Mr Lobov summoned senior officials in his ministry and told them to draw up a plan for re-establishing state control over the economy .
3 Further , at the ‘ macroeconomic ’ level , the fiscal and monetary management of aggregate demand gradually displaced physical planning as the favoured mechanism for control over the economy ( this shift is charted quite precisely by Budd , 1978 ) .
4 The main tenets of this were nationalisation of foreign concessions , expropriation of large landed estates ( although it was not specified to whom they should be transferred , an omission reflecting the ambivalent attitudes regarding the role of the peasantry , which proved one of the most controversial issues in the debates between Latin American and Soviet Marxisms ) , repudiation of the national debt , rejection of imperialist control over the economy , the fight for an eight-hour day and the ‘ stamping out of semi-slave-like conditions of labour ’ .
5 Chinese leaders reportedly told Anh that they fully supported the outcome of the congress , which had stressed the maintenance of the party 's hold on political power whilst approving further loosening of its control over the economy .
6 The budget and finance ministries were combined , consolidating Finance and Public Credit Minister Pedro Aspe Armella 's control over the economy .
7 Cabinet negotiations had broken down over the balance of power in the government , with the " small coalition " demanding greater control over the economy than the PSL was prepared to concede .
8 and w w w we are either half controlled or we 're , we can now see that you know the civil war is , is going so quickly our way that we are going to have control within a year or so we are likely to have control over the economy as a whole .
9 No we wo n't , because , essentially , if you give yourself one target like the exchange rate , then you lose control over one or possibly both of interest rates and money supply , both of which the government has always claimed , are absolutely fundamental to maintaining their control over the economy .
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