Example sentences of "amendments to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The best that can be hoped is that the Senate and the House will agree on amendments to the law which will remove the gimmicks and inject more discipline into the process .
2 The committee reported early in 1975 , and made a large number of recommendations , some endorsing the Diplock Commission and the Act , others being critical and proposing amendments to the law .
3 Without amendments to the law , depreciation charges would mean existing taxpayers effectively paying twice for the same assets , for no other reason than the application of SSAP 12 .
4 Agreed amendments to the law increased the number of Senate seats for the city of Bucharest from seven to 14 and the total number of seats in the Assembly of Deputies was raised from 331 to 387 .
5 Norman Porter , the general secretary of the National Union of Protestants and at that time still a close colleague of Ian Paisley , had been asked by a number of conservative clergymen to stand against the Minister for Education in order to protest against amendments to the Education Act which increased and regularized state funding of Catholic schools .
6 The Privy Council , however , reconvened Parliament for an emergency session on Feb. 18 and pushed through amendments to the Nationality Act , the Passport Act and the Constitution itself , in order to provide a retroactive legal basis for the sale ; denied its legal foundation , the court case was dismissed .
7 It remains to be seen whether the Revenue will seek amendments to the legislation in next year 's Finance Bill .
8 The recent judgment of the European Court in Case C-334/90 Belgian State v. Societé Marichal-Margréve ’ offers the interesting and unusual sight of the Court explicitly working its way through a thicket of successive amendments to the legislation on monetary compensatory amounts in order to prepare the ground for its ruling in the case .
9 The creditors ' meeting decides whether or not to approve the IVA , with or without amendments to the proposal , although any amendments must be approved by the debtor .
10 Mr Prescott , who plans to table amendments to the airport security bill , said Mr Parkinson was paying lip service to screening and giving no indication when this would be achieved .
11 This is a preliminary timetable resolution which requires the vote to be put on certain clauses at a certain time , irrespective of whether all the amendments to the clause or to previous clauses have been discussed .
12 However , it is strongly rumoured that this may be sometime in the early part of 1992 , when some amendments to the Building Regulations are to be introduced .
13 However , the latest amendments to the Building Regulations require much higher standards of insulation than ever before and have also belatedly recognised the problems that over-insulation can cause as far as condensation is concerned — both inside the house itself and also within the building 's structure .
14 The most recent amendments to the Building Regulations have finally introduced requirements for found floor insulation in new homes .
15 Er the erm the environmental health check I think he did discuss it at fantastic length , the question of our public lavatories an an and the savings that can be made and the judgement it came to in the end was a , was a very one I think on the outlook against of what you can reasonably do , erm nevertheless I do gather that erm erm it is no longer necessary under standing orders , for erm amendments to the budget to be self financing because you can move amendments to simply increase the budget and er the amendment that I reserve I suppose , it 's not very much .
16 On the home front , AIBS actively campaigned for amendments to the Asylum Bill and the abolition of the death penalty for military offences in the Armed Forces Act .
17 On Nov. 17 , Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution .
18 A so-called data integrity module governs access and amendments to the system to ensure security and to avoid the database being amended in error .
19 Erm you already had , er , the opportunity to read my letter of the eighteenth of April er , circulated with the report and accounts , which fully explains the proposals being put forward and which are for firstly increasing the authorized share capital of the company creating two new classes of preference share er , renewing the board 's authority to allot shares renewing the board 's power to modify preemption rights authorizing the company to purchase its own er , ordinary shares reducing the company 's share capital by repaying the existing preference shares er , making certain amendments to the company 's employee share schemes increasing the aggregate sum available for directors ' fees and authorizing the company to issue summary financial statements .
20 Amendments to the Act have now abolished mandatory retirement altogether for most categories of workers .
21 It is as well to include the words in square brackets to ensure that subsequent amendments to the Act are taken into account , eg the Law of Property Act 1969 .
22 At the BMA 's annual meeting in 1913 , eugenists denounced medics ' long-standing but misguided dependence on environmentalism , arguing for amendments to the marriage laws in the interests of eugenically fit unions .
23 But delegates decided to opt for a scientific review of all amendments to the annex .
24 So the point erm I wish to make erm on er Mr 's observations , is that it 's not the strategy of the structure plan was not simply erm to seek an initial reduction erm in the rate of residential development in the county and then that roll that rate forward in progressive erm amendments to the structure plan , Hambleton District Council believes that the logical interpretation of these statements is that a progressive reduction er in house building and the rates of migration should be sought through subsequent alterations to the plan .
25 Some 5,000 right-wing white farmers used farm vehicles to bring Pretoria to a standstill on Jan. 29 in a protest at government agricultural and economic policies , including uncertainty about anticipated amendments to the Land Act which would desegregate land ownership .
26 However , on Oct. 21 he had submitted a number of amendments to the document , provoking demonstrations in Kathmandu and other towns on Oct. 24 and throughout the succeeding week .
27 A consultative paper , No 68 , EC Second Banking Coordination Directive Implementation : Principles , Core Rules and SIB Rules , from the Securities and Investments Board , contains proposed amendments to the core rules and principles .
28 You wish to put forward any amendments to the way you have put .
29 Yes , I heard you , yes , I heard you say the other day , and also did read in the press , where you 've been quoted , Councillor Warby , that you would build various by-passes and no doubt you will be putting , I have n't yet heard any amendments to the capital goal .
30 National referendums held in November 1988 ( see pp. 36505-06 ; 36320 ) and February 1989 ( see p. 36475 ) overwhelmingly approved amendments to the country 's 1976 Constitution , transferring power away from the presidency and effectively marking the end of one-party state socialism .
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