Example sentences of "happen to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Eighth , do n't expect to get any sort of sensible answers from a company who sells computers which happen to be capable of being used for desktop publishing .
2 if I happen to be awake at that time , then yes , but , if I do n't have
3 And unless we happen to be absolute saints , I 'll bet most of us would admit that there have been occasions when we would willingly have ‘ divorced ’ our young ourselves …
4 Nowadays , with the boundary between mass and energy abolished , the advantage might be said to have passed to ch'i ; yet it would be absurd to suggest that the Chinese have been proved right , since the advantages and disadvantages depend on which problems happen to be current .
5 The sorts of things I happen to like , the sorts of things I happen to be good at or bad at .
6 He points to the irrationality of this assumption and makes the seemingly rather obvious point that ‘ Torture … is an infallible means for absolving robust scoundrels and for condemning innocent persons who happen to be weak ’ ( p. 32 ) .
7 Unfortunately , the 50Hz or 60Hz frequencies , relating to the two-pole magnetising rotor fields on synchronous alternators ( running at a speed of 3,000 or 3,600 rpm ) , happen to be close to the frequency at which ions in bodies respond to , while in 50µT of the geomagnetic field .
8 The random nature of turbulent motion gives a diffusive action ; two fluid particles that happen to be close together at some instant are likely to be much further apart at any later time .
9 It would seem then to fall to those staff who happen to be bilingual , or to those few teachers who are actually engaged in the teaching of community languages , to raise general awareness in the few schools in which they are deployed .
10 If any of you happen to be professional philosophers , you will certainly have had this experience in your , in society , you 're asked what you do , and if you make that admission , a slightly lunatic thing happens .
11 I happen to be married but things would be tough on a single income ’ .
12 Some stars can be seen that way if the conditions happen to be appropriate , but children will not get very far as astronomers unless their own resources are supplemented by those accumulated by the tradition of astronomy built up over the centuries .
13 It is the ones that happen to be durable that exist as rocks .
14 As you well know our mission statement , Save The Children 's vision , commits us to using our experience gained here and overseas to achieve lasting benefits for children on a far wider scale than would be the case if we just confined our work to those children and families who happen to be involved in the projects we run .
15 ‘ Think you 're so bloody superior just because you happen to be straight ! ’
16 These beetles happen to be haplodiploid , like bees and ants ( see Chapter 10 ) .
17 And if there happen to be other people listening , all well and good .
18 Those in : ( 30 ) an eager student a poor liar a lousy saint ( with the latter having here its informal sense of imperfect ) are perhaps best considered as ordinary ascriptives which happen to be relativistic adjectives , so that their range of interpretation will vary according to the type of thing assumed to be described .
19 Neither public nor private owners happen to be great at monitoring managements .
20 Products tend to be misplaced or even completely lost or they get in the way but somehow they never happen to be available when wanted .
21 Let us focus our attention on where Third World grain imports come from and how they happen to be available in such massive quantities .
22 Materials that happen to be available in the school , including even seriously inadequate ones , can be brought into play and yield educationally valuable material if approached from a point of view of real understanding on the teacher 's part .
23 K ap is true because in the nearest worlds in which you are sitting reading you believe that you are sitting reading , and the nearest worlds in which you are not sitting reading are either worlds in which you are standing/kneeling/lying reading or worlds in which you are sitting knitting/watching TV , etc. , but not worlds in which you happen to be asleep dreaming that you are sitting reading .
24 He knows slightly too many people who happen to be rich .
25 But the private world , where people look for both their pleasure and their fulfilment , is a competing world of separate group allegiances , some of which happen to be religious .
26 In both programmes , spectators happen to be present , peering in at a comic version of the star 's life .
27 In other words , statistical testing should not be used as a substitute for theoretical ideas by simply dredging the data for any statistically significant relationships that happen to be present .
28 The orientation of the rolls will depend on whatever small perturbations happen to be present as the temperature difference is raised .
29 Soon children will be lending each other America is Falling Down in which Michael Douglas , a disillusioned middle-class businessman , grabs his gun and storms a merry path through the city , showering bullets like confetti on anyone who gets in his way : especially if they happen to be Korean or Cuban .
30 Does he also agree that , although the violence of the provisional IRA and others who claim with no legitimacy to speak for the Irish people as a whole , is sickening , it is equally disgusting , disgraceful and sickening to see those who claim to be loyal to the Unionist cause killing , tit for tat , for no reason other than that people happen to be Catholic ?
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