Example sentences of "letting they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Donald felt the pressure from her and stared from one to the other , letting them feel his defiance and distaste .
2 Not surprising , if you 're in the habit of picking up strange young men on canal boats and letting them cuddle you ! ’
3 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
4 I 'm for the artist speaking to the audience , backing them and letting them do what they want .
5 I told her I 'll do my own thing , I 'm not letting them do it for me .
6 ‘ He has a very good team here and he would be better off letting them do his talking for him . ’
7 But the water company spokesman said letters had been sent to all tenants letting them know what was happening .
8 Well it 's , I mean it 's letting them know what 's going off at other prisons .
9 Patrol leader Captain David Hall said : ‘ We 're letting them know they can get food without instability . ’
10 It was her practice to watch Weenie and Co. off to school , but without letting them know she did it .
11 He was accused in a pamphlet , written by the historian Count Nikolai Tolstoy and circulated by Nigel Watts , a property developer , of deceiving the Yugoslavs by letting them believe they were going to Italy .
12 In addition it warns Sun that it is alienating its customers by not letting them apply their corporate discounts to the Classic and by letting them perceive Sun as turning its back on its established technical clientele to pursue the commercial marketplace .
13 My main aim is to direct their work as little as possible , letting them find their own system and choose their own path to follow .
14 Drab herself , Margaret loved having people in and letting them notice their new possessions .
15 So the Milettis had realized the threat to their schemes which the fake letter would pose and had no intention of letting them see it !
16 You 'd give them a quartet of an hour letting them say their good-nights — then you 'd start moving them on , not aggressive .
17 For manufactured goods , Malaysia has relied heavily on attracting foreigners to its Export processing Zones ( see below ) and letting them fight it out in the exports markets with the minimum of intervention .
18 It does please me but the thing sometimes is , you do n't get results , I mean I just said to him at half time ‘ come on we 've got to be a bit stronger , ’ you know I thought we were playing quite well , but I thought we were letting them dominate us a little bit .
19 They told me that it was of no use to me any more and that I 'd be better off letting them have it .
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