Example sentences of "may [verb] [prep] [num] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To be sure , from time to time the consensus may weaken in one science or another ( — the paradigm shifts ’ , as we have learned to say ) and then , for a period , matters grow more complicated .
2 It may range from one afternoon a week to full extension services opening daily , staffed by a paid worker and volunteers .
3 They may relate to one institution ( a primary school ) or to several ( linking a number of primary schools to the neighbourhood secondary school ) , they may relate to primary age children within a community centre or youth club , they may simply serve as a bridge between local pre-school playgroups and the schools which the pre-school children will eventually attend .
4 The council may demur for two reasons .
5 Still , it is also quite possible that hesitancy or disagreement may persist without one side of the dispute or one aspect of one 's personality being more rational than another , or in possession of any deeper insight into truth .
6 For many years a companionate relationship may exist between two generations of adults in a family , each leading an independent existence .
7 The latest sub-atomic theories , for example , say that we are all made up of infinitely thin pieces of string which may exist in ten dimensions .
8 The survival of H. contortus infection on tropical pastures is variable depending on the climate and degree of shade , but the infective larvae are relatively resistant to desiccation and some may survive for 1-3 months on pasture or in faeces .
9 A wide variety of operations may be undertaken , or the ward may specialise in one aspect of surgical care , such as abdominal or chest surgery .
10 Alternatively , if used as part of the external audit process , a contract audit may demonstrate to one party that the contract is being managed efficiently and effectively .
11 When the time arrives , the proposer has 10 minutes to speak in favour of his Bill and an opposer may speak for 10 minutes against it .
12 To be listed first among these may according to one estimate confer in the Republic an advantage averaging nearly a thousand first-preference votes .
13 The volcanic-arc zone itself may consist of two elements : the active volcanic arc and an inactive frontal arc located on its forearc side and composed of older volcanic rocks .
14 In simple cases , this hierarchy may consist of two layers .
15 Thus , the pair of chromosomes in the new individual may consist of two X chromosomes , one from each parent , in which case the new life will be female .
16 What remains is a possible non-rational resolution of the question , which may consist in one side to a dispute stimulating a change of attitude in the other by a moving use of emotive language , or one aspect of one s personality achieving dominance over another .
17 A slight burn can cause a pale pink colour which may appear between 6–24 hours after exposure and can take 1–3 days to disappear , but may not cause peeling .
18 This may appear between 2–12 hours after exposure and last 3 days , with light peeling .
19 — Can you justify the time needed to view , say , the recordings of five groups , which may run for five minutes each — a total of twenty-five minutes ?
20 This legal bond can be severed only through a court of law , and even then the court may insist on one partner continuing to make provision for the other .
21 Two-thirds may relapse within six months but there is still a good chance that the condition will clear up ultimately .
22 Clinical trials of the suitability of organs from these pigs may begin within 3 years .
23 We are all different ; what may work for one individual will not necessarily work as well for another .
24 The more easterly of the two valley roads which combine at Pierrefitte takes you first to the charming town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur , which may look like one place but is really two , with more than just a hyphen dividing them .
25 Those who are ‘ wise ’ may keep to one purpose , but the implication is that such wisdom is not allowed to exist for very long .
26 In Sweden the original owner may repossess within three months of discovering the identity of the current owner of his stolen work of art not , as we stated , within three months of the date of unauthorised sale .
27 People may vote with one hand on their wallets , but their guesses about future prosperity are tangled up with judgments of the competing politicians .
28 Among the various choices available to electors in different countries are the following : they may vote for one candidate , or a specified number of candidates , or for as many candidates as there are members to be elected ; they may cumulate two votes on one candidate ; they may cast votes on more than one list ; presented with lists on which the parties have arranged the candidates in an order of preference they can change that order .
29 For example , the worker may pause at one point and scratch his nose , this may indicate that a critical decision is being made or it may indicate simply that his nose was itching .
30 ‘ I may die in five years time — hopefully someone else will be there giving the same message . ’
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