Example sentences of "very [adj] and it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The people are very tolerant and it has been overheard that I speak better Portuguese than I do English .
2 It 's very friendly And it followed us into the lane several times and then we 'd chase it back
3 That would have created jobs quickly , it 's not very inflationary and it does n't suck in large amounts of imports .
4 They did exchange it in the end but I had to be very insistent and it took three months .
5 She said the notice was very detailed and it had taken longer than expected to draw up .
6 yeah west side is very popular and it tends to be the area where we get the older properties as well so that 's encouraging
7 I think it was very interesting and it warns you not to talk to strangers .
8 The Lycoming 0–320 B3B engine is very reliable and it has a TBO of 2000 hours but only when half inch valves are fitted .
9 Fine for some , sure , but a P-bass is very simple and it sounds bloody good .
10 They 'd , they had to because there were , they got , when , after the union was formed you know , they were having the rights er but and I think really the hours they put in and the type of work they deserved it , but erm there was a time you know when the bosses were bossy sort of thing , and er and you adhered to that , because you did n't know anything different until erm the unions started up , but erm I know there were one or two processions you know and peer rights and all this that and the other , but erm on the whole it 's er it 's been an eventful life in , in some ways , very eventful and it 's been interesting .
11 I 've tried most of the guitar synths and stuff , but I just prefer my instrument : it 's very human and it makes the right noise .
12 I think to its detriment , it has been very white and it has been very historically specific , but the more I hear about what women are doing in Africa and India I think that the visions are very similar even though the words sometimes are different .
13 Eugénie loved the sea and was a strong swimmer even though at Biarritz she found that ‘ the sea was very cold and it required great strength of mind to get in ’ .
14 When we got through Ramsgate town centre and onto the motorway we hit roadworks and a long traffic jam , the weather became very overcast and it started to rain .
15 The response to the questionnaire about training has been very satisfactory and it has provided the Training Committee with plenty of information to work on for planning future training programmes .
16 I mean we were in a particular discussion last night I mean that chap was making a particular point and we were able to ask questions and that was very useful and it helped everything else and as a result I have a view that Hydro Electric have a certain commitment to the community and I respect it for having that commitment .
17 the trouble with this is it 's an American book so it 's a bit , I call it biased , erm on erm the betrayal of children on , on the way that they 're not in childhood for very long and it blames literacy , that the more the literate the child becomes
18 ‘ Driver acceptance too has been very good and it looks like the misconception that diesels are dirty , slow and smelly is a thing of the past . ’
19 A sense of smell is the first and primary thing for the animal because it gives it its sense of direction and it 's very important and it goes gently cold , delicately as the dark snow .
20 One of the tasks always mentioned first in any discussion of the question is the carrying of formes containing set-up type ( they were indeed very heavy and it did no one 's back any good to carry them ) .
21 The Gloucester coach Keith Richardson says that the week may have turned around the team 's season … the win over a strong bridgend side was very rewarding and it reflects the old Gloucester dog attitude … when they think there 's competition a match to be won they respond and come through … there 's a big league game against Northampton coming up on saturday and Gloucester need all the inspiration they can get to win
22 It is very continental and it gives a great feel to the place .
23 Bustling ‘ The foliage of the fir tree is very thick and it wrapped around his body , ’ said Det Insp Evans .
24 She did rub one melanoma causing it to weep but we did n't panic just kept it very clean and it healed perfectly .
25 However , the future is very uncertain and it remains to be seen if this increase can be maintained during the next few years while the size of the eighteen-year-old population remains large .
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