Example sentences of "good [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [is] " in BNC.

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1 The best I can manage is to say that the thriller is intended to thrill ; it is a succession of exciting events , whereas the suspense novel is designed to create suspense , a series of situations of which the outcome is in doubt .
2 ‘ The best I can do is a heads of agreement outlining Harley 's deal .
3 If it 's daylight , the best I can do is follow you , stay close .
4 The best I can do is to offer you a free ¼ page advert , but I must have all the details in the next 48 hours .
5 Your balls are well separated , I mean , the best I can do is take off the yellow , then I can make the .
6 The best I can say is that Boy looked something like , or had something like the feel of , Paul Newman when he 's playing the character christened Chance Wayne in that Tennessee Williams film .
7 The best she can do is to try to secure it by non-military , legal means , and this she has done with a fair measure of success .
8 The best you can do is silks for a jockey skullcap , but should n't we be able to buy hats covered with light or reflective materials , instead of velvet , for road use ?
9 With plywood and hardboard , it 's no so easy to hide the joins , and the best you can do is to use a thick textures paper such as woodchip or a heavy blown vinyl .
10 The best you can do is be as careful as it 's possible to be . ’
11 When such top growth can be persuaded to produce its own roots as with a cutting , the best you can expect is an indifferent plant and a poor root system .
12 Perhaps the best one can do is to say that communication from the letter detector to the word detector level , which is normally both fast and parallel , has become slow and serial , but this is a rather ad hoc explanation , and certainly much less satisfying than the interpretations offered by the model for surface dyslexia and phonological dyslexia .
13 Perhaps the best one can say is that when such heroes die they go , in Tolkien 's opinion , neither to Hell nor Heaven , but to Limbo : ‘ to my fathers ’ , as Théoden says , ‘ to sit beside my fathers , until the world is renewed ’ , to quote Thorin Oakenshield from The Hobbit , perhaps at worst to wait with the barrow-wight ‘ Where gates stand for ever shut , till the world is mended ’ .
14 The best one can say is that in those chapters , as in The Lord of the Rings more generally , a work essentially of ‘ romance ’ manages to rise at times towards ‘ myth ’ , and also to sink towards ‘ high ’ or even ‘ low mimesis , .
15 In other words , quite often , the best we can expect is a compromise .
16 The best we can expect is destruction , or a sudden running-down of an establishment or extensive rebuilding on a different plan or scale .
17 This immediately raises the question of what we mean by the separation of two particles A and B. It seems the best we can do is argue that the two particles A and B can be considered as separate only when the individual wave packets cease to overlap .
18 The best we can do is to grow a covering of skin over the stump where the amputation occurred .
19 The best we can do is Z 2 =-2 .
20 The best we can do is raise our own children differently ( a project that will fail , ironically , to the extent that children model themselves on the unreconstructed adults they encounter ! )
21 In other words , the best we can do is to assign a probability unc a for the photon to get through ( and , of course , a complementary probability unc that it does not ) .
22 I think the best we can do is wait until we find them . ’
23 The best we can do is to establish a habit of " challenge " since this allows the old idea to continue but at the same time attaches some doubt and dissatisfaction to it .
24 The best we can do is to make a close study of code switching and hope that it will provide an overall framework for understanding how the two perceived varieties , Creole and English , interact in conversation .
25 When we think about those questions of individ individuation in our normal affairs , the best we can do is to say that what individuates us and also what makes us the same person through changes over time , is a great medley of factors , some of which are bodily , some of which involve our souls
26 Companies certainly try to control demand , to channel it in known directions , but they are never sure of their market ; the best they can do is to offer a ‘ cultural repertoire ’ , to cover a spread of the likely possibilities in order to minimize the risk — and it is this which accounts for the colossal overproduction of records and the large number that make a loss ( see Laing 1985 : 9–10 , 20 ; Frith 1983a : 92–102 ; Denisoff 1975 : 92–4 ) .
27 It turns out that the best he can do is to form his expectation of and in accordance with the following formulae : where
28 In this case the treatment team may have to accept that the best it can offer is long-term support and encouragement , with treatment sessions being non-contingent on repeats .
29 The best it can offer is bed and breakfast .
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