Example sentences of "so that [pers pn] [vb -s] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Tell the resident what you plan to do before you start so that he/she knows what is about to happen and can help if possible .
2 Many children need to spend much of their time with the group in physical activity out-of-doors , and a teacher supervising them can help to develop their experiences and language , so that she feels her time is being used just as profitably out-of-doors as within the confines of the classroom .
3 Some time needs to be spent in conversation so that she feels he desires the total person and not just the body .
4 The public relations worker studies these differences , called " profiles " , so that she knows which paper is best suited for her information to get the best response .
5 ‘ But would n't it be better if I came to see her , just to meet her , so that she knows who you 're with ? ’
6 One of the somewhat older guy , he can orchestrate it so much so that he gets his gold out of it .
7 It is bad enough to fail one 's driving test once ; to do so for a second time reinforces the sense of hopelessness in the learner 's mind — he now has twice as many failures to build upon — so that he uses his ability to visualize in an even more negative fashion .
8 Christopher Patten , who was then in charge of the Research Department , but is now in total control of the Party machine , will find it difficult to re-establish the library and its heritage , even supposing that the catalogues have been kept so that he knows what has been lost .
9 One depicts Mary 's first husband , Francis II , three times rushing to welcome her in heaven , and three times finding that he can only embrace a headless body , so that he curses his people ; whereupon the poet exhorts them to forget their own troubles , and unite to destroy England and send its queen to a dreadful death .
10 Simply apply lateral cyclic and tail rotor commands to bank and turn the model so that it presents its side view to the direction of travel .
11 If I am unfortunate enough to experience the untimely death of several people I am attached to so that it forms something of a pattern , then I am likely to experience considerable difficulty with my bereavements : there has been none of the unconscious preparation for the death of someone close that goes on in our awareness of incidents that are likely to occur .
12 What we discover within this secret part of ourselves is an inner being , a soul , an inner mind , and inner life , an inner subtle-physical entity which is much larger in its potentialities , more plastic , more powerful , more capable of a manifold knowledge and dynamism than our surface mind , life or body ; especially , it is capable of a direct communication with the universal forces , movements , objects of the cosmos , a direct feeling and opening to them , a direct action of them and even a widening of itself beyond the limit of the personal mind , the personal life , the body , so that it feels itself more and more a universal being no longer limited by the existing walls of out too narrow mental , vital , physical existence .
13 A good horse trainer teaches a horse good habits so that it does what he wants it to do automatically , without it learning any undesirable behaviour or bad habits in the process ; but a poor trainer often finds that his horses learn something unwanted at the same time .
14 If , for example , your downstairs neighbour allows his flat to become damp and infested with woodworm so that it affects your flat , you can claim against this insurance .
15 In the essay ‘ Theatum philosophicum ’ ( 1970 ) , written shortly after the Archaeology , Foucault attempts to avoid the snares of the problem of the relation of the event to the totality , or the particular to the general , that beset both Sartre and Althusser , by arguing that the event as event is only constituted through its repetition in thought as a ‘ phantasm ’ : ‘ it makes the event indefinite so that it repeats itself as a singular universal ’ .
16 This dietician saying that the architect w wants to know all about endoscop what it involves , so that it gives him an idea as to what is about .
17 ( 1 ) If seeing something is like eating it with the eye , so that it gives us sensations in our eyes as eating manna gives us ‘ sensations of sickness , and sometimes of acute pains or gripings ’ in our stomachs , then what physically enters the eye comes to have an importance not only for understanding the physical mechanism of visual perception , but also for understand the concept of visual perception .
18 Try a recording in which the camera looks at the class the whole time so that it gives you the teacher's-eye view .
19 stuff and gets thrown out , so that it cuts everything , cuts it all out .
20 We need to know how to prepare for sleep so that it refreshes us .
21 Telling one 's own stories to children of different ages is extremely satisfying and also shows you where you went wrong in the rhythm of a sentence ; unconsciously you alter it to fit the audience in front of you and get it right , so that it makes its point swiftly and powerfully .
22 And we can agree all of that , so that it makes it easier for storage
23 You can hear them from a long way now what you do is you sit them down and let them take up their own particular position , you can , if they 've got their medication their Ventilin or whatever , you can put it beside them , they will know if they need to take it or not , get them with the fresh air and let them take up their own position which is usually leaning forward so that it expands their lungs , talk to them about something different because sometimes well they 've got to think of what to answer you , it 's relaxing those tubes , now if they 're taking their medication and it does n't work within about five minutes get them to hospital , because the only people that really die with asthma are those that have taken medication and keep saying I 'll give it a few more minutes , give it a few more minutes and if they 're getting worse and worse they 're leaving it too long .
24 The package also comes with a data compression utility that works ‘ on the fly ’ so that it expands your files while they are being used , before re-shrinking them once you have finished using them .
25 It is to have failed to give the transcendence of God its proper cash value , to have weakened it so that it means something like ‘ outside the solar system ’ or ‘ above the galaxy ’ .
26 Although entrance is free we have to lay aside everything to enter through the narrow gate , so that it costs us everything .
27 Is it possible to work out some fancy way of writing this headline , so that it implies its meaning ?
28 Now here is John Templeton , secretary of the STA : In framing the piece scale in printing , you have to frame the scale so that it covers everything , that is so that it covers what we call " extras " as well .
29 Now here is John Templeton , secretary of the STA : In framing the piece scale in printing , you have to frame the scale so that it covers everything , that is so that it covers what we call " extras " as well .
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