Example sentences of "there [vb mod] [be] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
2 Previous research has suggested that there may be barriers to particular types of occupation which selectively prevent women from entering them .
3 There may be questions to be asked and problems to be solved concerning the implementation of this programme .
4 So far as Hinduism , the major Far Eastern religion , is concerned , there may be reference to many gods , but there is also a clear understanding that they are only large fish too , behind which lies a single , unifying absolute being not unlike the one substance in three persons of the Christian Trinity .
5 Mussels : mussels keep longer in cold weather , so there may be bargains to be had .
6 Seventh , there may be blocks to the flow of electrical energy in the acupuncture meridians .
7 Less severe forms of sanction include rebuke , withholding of praise and demanding repetition of work ; in more serious cases there may be referral to senior staff , detention , putting a pupil on report , writing to parents and calling them into school , referring the pupil to a special unit in the school and ultimately exclusion from school .
8 Local authorities often charge a different fee to their own residents and ratepayers than to outsiders , although there may be concessions to former residents and community charge payers .
9 there may be disruption to your friendships and relationships
10 This might be the case with provocation , for example : there may be objections to some of the distinctions now drawn by the law of provocation , but a broader defence of extreme emotional disturbance might provide for reduction of the offence in cases of loss of self-control when caring for a baby or when arrested by a police-officer known to be acting lawfully , and some might feel that there are strong arguments against this .
11 There may be references to ‘ second-order questions ’ or ‘ metatheories ’ , and if the process becomes sustained and systematic , the word philosophy tends to creep in .
12 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
13 Lautro accepts that some of the facts were mistaken and that there may be qualifications to some of the allegations .
14 There must be limits to the power of consumerism .
15 If , therefore , some are to have priority over others there must be provisions to this effect in the terms of issue .
16 There must be lessons to be learned in all of that .
17 If the ‘ emancipation ’ of women has yet to run its full course , there should be limits to the extent one would expect it to have influenced demographic trends .
18 There should be reference to the social housing and the cross subsidy housing and the hospital at in the new plan .
19 While welcoming the changes that the Minister has introduced to the home improvement grants scheme for houses affected by high radon levels , may I ask whether he agrees that in cases of severe hardship there should be access to 100 per cent .
20 Additionally , there should be objectives to :
21 There might be alternatives to using a grid .
22 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
23 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
24 A minority of Tories were prepared to concede that there could be exceptions to the theory of non-resistance in extremis , and in this they admittedly came close to the doctrine of some of the more conservative Whigs .
25 They failed to obtain any long-term understanding on future regional coal price differentials from the National Coal Board , but their discussions did seem to indicate that there would be advantages to shifting away from the high-cost coalfields of Kent , South Wales and Scotland , and towards the cheaper coal of the East Midlands and Yorkshire .
26 But there would be access to the roof , if only for care and maintenance .
27 Pask stonewalled , claiming variously that he had no staff to answer questions , that only one boiler-maker in Britain was capable of making unit boilers for large sets , that they would encounter operational difficulties , that there would be economies to replication of smaller sets , that larger sets were more expensive than small ones , and that station layouts would not accommodate them .
28 ‘ Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
29 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
30 Schools could work forwards or backwards in time ( though it is expected that at all times there will be reference to time-lines , and time-charts , and that attention will be given to the question " when did this happen in the past ? " ) .
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