Example sentences of "there [modal v] [be] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
2 Previous research has suggested that there may be barriers to particular types of occupation which selectively prevent women from entering them .
3 There may be questions to be asked and problems to be solved concerning the implementation of this programme .
4 So far as Hinduism , the major Far Eastern religion , is concerned , there may be reference to many gods , but there is also a clear understanding that they are only large fish too , behind which lies a single , unifying absolute being not unlike the one substance in three persons of the Christian Trinity .
5 Mussels : mussels keep longer in cold weather , so there may be bargains to be had .
6 Seventh , there may be blocks to the flow of electrical energy in the acupuncture meridians .
7 Less severe forms of sanction include rebuke , withholding of praise and demanding repetition of work ; in more serious cases there may be referral to senior staff , detention , putting a pupil on report , writing to parents and calling them into school , referring the pupil to a special unit in the school and ultimately exclusion from school .
8 Local authorities often charge a different fee to their own residents and ratepayers than to outsiders , although there may be concessions to former residents and community charge payers .
9 there may be disruption to your friendships and relationships
10 This might be the case with provocation , for example : there may be objections to some of the distinctions now drawn by the law of provocation , but a broader defence of extreme emotional disturbance might provide for reduction of the offence in cases of loss of self-control when caring for a baby or when arrested by a police-officer known to be acting lawfully , and some might feel that there are strong arguments against this .
11 There may be references to ‘ second-order questions ’ or ‘ metatheories ’ , and if the process becomes sustained and systematic , the word philosophy tends to creep in .
12 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
13 Lautro accepts that some of the facts were mistaken and that there may be qualifications to some of the allegations .
14 There must be limits to the power of consumerism .
15 If , therefore , some are to have priority over others there must be provisions to this effect in the terms of issue .
16 There must be lessons to be learned in all of that .
17 If the ‘ emancipation ’ of women has yet to run its full course , there should be limits to the extent one would expect it to have influenced demographic trends .
18 There should be reference to the social housing and the cross subsidy housing and the hospital at in the new plan .
19 While welcoming the changes that the Minister has introduced to the home improvement grants scheme for houses affected by high radon levels , may I ask whether he agrees that in cases of severe hardship there should be access to 100 per cent .
20 Additionally , there should be objectives to :
21 There might be alternatives to using a grid .
22 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
23 It may be so , if it is a personal Christmas card list , for example ; but if the same modest list were to be headed ‘ suspected sympathisers with the X Party ’ ( or the Y terrorist group ) , or ‘ directors of companies believed to be trading with country Z ’ — there could be danger to those on the list if it fell into the hands of evil-minded zealots — and perhaps then the shorter the list the greater the danger .
24 A minority of Tories were prepared to concede that there could be exceptions to the theory of non-resistance in extremis , and in this they admittedly came close to the doctrine of some of the more conservative Whigs .
25 We had all been promised that the National Lottery money would be additional to what we receive and that there would been linkage to the funds we will obtain if all goes well and the Lottery Bill goes through Parliament in the next few months .
26 They failed to obtain any long-term understanding on future regional coal price differentials from the National Coal Board , but their discussions did seem to indicate that there would be advantages to shifting away from the high-cost coalfields of Kent , South Wales and Scotland , and towards the cheaper coal of the East Midlands and Yorkshire .
27 But there would be access to the roof , if only for care and maintenance .
28 Pask stonewalled , claiming variously that he had no staff to answer questions , that only one boiler-maker in Britain was capable of making unit boilers for large sets , that they would encounter operational difficulties , that there would be economies to replication of smaller sets , that larger sets were more expensive than small ones , and that station layouts would not accommodate them .
29 ‘ Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
30 Erm as I digest Mr 's comments and the various implications erm of the things that he said , it 's more and more confirming for me that perhaps we may well be right in the step by step measured approach because quite clearly erm I suspect that if we run at this stage a preferred location , erm I suspect that the the opposition to that and there would be opposition to it , may well have may well prejudice the principle er of the new settlement .
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