Example sentences of "say that [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I say that 'll give them something to talk about .
2 They wanted to talk to you direct , but I said that would frighten you off .
3 I said that 'd do you good to be in business for a couple of years , that 'd get you sorted out !
4 She said it 'll just , she said that 'd , she said that 'd straighten it , yeah .
5 I said that will teach her to what for for saying that !
6 er , mm , how we got the days of the week because I said that could name it Monday because that was the day everybody got their money , got paid
7 There was something of importance he wished to say that would affect them all .
8 Christian was too happy to be the bearer of bad news , and yet he had told them earlier he had something to say that would affect them all .
9 She wished she could think of something to say that would make him trust her , only after her stupid behaviour earlier she thought it might be a long time before he fully believed her .
10 But as his eyes travelled across to Elinor 's crowd , with their frizzy haloes of hair , their flowered dresses and carefully arranged profiles , he realized that there was nothing he could think of to say that would persuade them he was anything other than a boring little man .
11 Lucy remained silent , knowing this to be a fact , nor was there anything she could say that would make him feel more sympathetic towards her aunt .
12 Again and again she had told him there was nothing she could say that would help him , but he refused to be distracted from his goal .
13 I 'd say that 'll take you around three weeks .
14 If you think there 's anything you can say that will change my mind about — about — ’
15 Added to that is her instinctive feeling for people — what to do and say that will please them most .
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