Example sentences of "which be [adj] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Extra speaker units , which are necessary for all but the smallest instruments , cost about £700 each .
2 to prohibit the recurrence of the nuisance and to require any works to be executed which are necessary for that purpose .
3 This also permits the company 's affairs to be placed in the hands of those who are equipped with the special abilities and skills which are necessary for effective management and which many shareholders may not themselves possess ’ .
4 These are heterodimers consisting of one αchain and one β chain , both of which are necessary for adhesive binding .
5 That can be ameliorated if the manager reduces uncertainty by turning to those sources of information — of every kind — which are essential for good organization and by ensuring that those who provide the information are reliable and responsive .
6 Deletion and mutagenesis of c-Jun has identified two motifs within the A1 activation domain ( HOB1 and HOB2 ; Figure 1A ) which are essential for transcriptional activation ( 30 ) .
7 LAN adaptors , which are essential for connecting PCs to the network
8 The system is targeted at scientists and engineers needing to access , manipulate , analyse and present large volumes of information , quickly and easily , being intended as a kind of happy medium between traditional user-hostile statistical software and spreadsheets , which are inadequate for complex technical data analysis .
9 The Course does not allow special questions to be set in an examination which are compulsory for some groups of students and not others .
10 Sparring mitts , which are compulsory for any form of competition , minimize the risk of injury to the face .
11 Therefore experiences which are stressful for some people will not be perceived as such by others — under the same circumstances some people 's taps will turn on and others will remain off .
12 In addition , a summary of those sections of the Act concerned with admission of patients to hospital , or detention of patients already in hospital , which are relevant for attempted suicide patients was provided in an Appendix to that chapter .
13 Census of Production figures are not disagreeable to the spatial levels which are possible for those from the Censuses of Population and Employment .
14 Part-time courses which are available for similar periods of study as for full-time courses usually involve an average of eight hours attendance at college each week , predominantly on a ‘ day release ’ basis .
15 Both private and public companies are required by the Companies Act 1985 to file annual financial accounts which are available for public inspection .
16 There are two recently developed areas which are perfect for lesser mortals .
17 There are several plastic tracks available , varying in strength , which are suitable for straight runs and which can also be bent successfully round bays .
18 There are notes for pilots considering becoming private owners and on the types of glass fibre gliders which are suitable for early solo pilots .
19 Furthermore , such a list would be impracticable , given the wide range of books written for adults which are suitable for older and more able pupils .
20 This endorsement is applied to restrict cover on properties which are unoccupied for long periods .
21 The worthy objective of ‘ normalization ’ should therefore lead to the implementation of care practices and procedural policies which are appropriate for those with mental disorders and it should not be applied in a rigid and obsessive fashion .
22 The identification of the sub-tasks which are appropriate for intensive training with feedback is achieved by task analysis .
23 This is the motion that says that the Apex conference would be able to debate issues of a general nature which are appropriate for this Congress , the decision making body of the union and for no other conference in the union .
24 The development of such ‘ industries ’ has also been facilitated by improved communications and transport as well as the need to generate income in areas that have been adversely affected by the economic recession of the early 1980s or which are unsuitable for other kinds of economic activity such as agriculture .
25 These squatter settlements have sprung up in great abundance , generally in undesirable and inaccessible areas , which are unsuitable for standard building .
26 Give your body a pre-holiday boost with Estée Lauder Self-Action Light Tanning Crème ( £11 ) or Piz Buin Jet Bronzer Lotion ( £7.50 ) , both of which are ideal for fair skins .
27 * The London Dumping Convention has made moves to establish a global control mechanism over land-based emissions which are responsible for 80 percent of marine waste .
28 He says that the problem was caused not by blockages — which are responsible for most smells on ferries , but by a vaccuum — a one off fluke .
29 But in July the commission opted for policies which are disastrous for professional family farms , expensive for taxpayers , unlikely to remove surplus production , and bad for the countryside .
30 In addition , the political changes in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe have diminished the amounts of aid which are forthcoming for socialist countries in the developing world , including Mozambique .
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