Example sentences of "if it can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To regard homosexuality as a social construction and nothing more is , potentially , to put another weapon in the hands of those who would like to see it quite literally erased from the world — if it can be constructed , then it can be deconstructed , so what are all those queers still doing here ?
2 If it can be manipulated , the dividends can be high .
3 I believe its main ingredient was quinine and doubt if it can be obtained today .
4 We have seen that this information is really only useful if it can be obtained accurately and consistently across writers .
5 A system can be designed much more economically if it can be assumed that skilled personnel are available to control and take care of it .
6 The random selection of cases is an approximation to experimental randomisation if it can be assumed that the population from which the sample is drawn is homogeneous : a reasonable assumption when dealing with a population of seeds , plants , germs , etc .
7 Any given rise in unemployment in the winter months , therefore , can only be shown to be significant if it can be demonstrated that the rise is over and above that which is normally expected at that time of year .
8 According to SSAP 8 , to the extent there is no deferred tax liability , an ACT asset may only be shown in the accounts if it can be demonstrated that there will be sufficient profits in the next 12 months to enable the surplus to be recovered against the corporation tax thereon , bearing in mind anticipated dividends .
9 If it can be demonstrated beyond doubt that a ray of light passing close to the sun is deflected in a curved path , then it is not the case that light necessarily travels in straight lines .
10 This is acceptable only if it can be demonstrated that the method gives a reasonable approximation of the actual cost .
11 The knowledge model , if it can be mapped to the physical world , must itself comprise discrete quantities , varying in a quantised ( step-wise ) manner .
12 For these reasons the Department considers it to be of the utmost importance that the form is used in all of the appropriate circumstances and clearly it will help if it can be completed right after the incident has taken place .
13 If it can be made , Pringle 's will make it .
14 And between these extremes there is a range of attitudes including the position of those who can accept whaling in principle if it can be made more humane in practice .
15 If it can be made intelligible , then it is only in terms of certain structural concepts which are all interdependent and mutually complementary , and together make up a logically self-subsistent whole .
16 If it can be made to work — and time will show whether it can become a reality — that may be the moment to return to subjects such as political and economic union and the benefits of a different defence structure .
17 The emphasis has moved towards data because , if it can be made available in the correct form for applications , programming presents much less of a problem .
18 This is spectulative but not entirely fictional ; if it can be made to work by a combination of genetic and cellular engineering , it has amazing potential in gastroenterology .
19 Where the difficulty is one of applying the provision rather than a conceptual uncertainty the court will not hold it to be void ( Brown v Gould ) ; and a provision in a lease will not be uncertain if it can be made certain .
20 The three month limit should cover most acute illnesses , especially if it can be extended when necessary .
21 The Battle of the Marne — if it can be called a battle — began at about 14.30 on the afternoon of 5 September , when the advance guard of Maunoury 's Sixth Army encountered a corps on Kluck 's flank , north of Meaux .
22 If it can be called a childhood , that is : from the nursery where he learned to be ‘ Chairman Mao 's Good Little Boy ’ onwards , his early life was racked by one political movement after another .
23 If it can be quantified .
24 The timing of the move to other pastures may be dependent on other farming activities , but if it can be delayed until October or later and accompanied by an anthelmintic treatment then eggs from any worms which survive the treatment are unlikely to develop due to the unfavourable winter temperatures .
25 The average Albanian wage is about £10 a month , worth 20 times that if it can be exchanged for blackmarket US dollars .
26 For example , if it is thought that an error of law or fact or a breach of natural justice should justify quashing only if it can be said that but for the error or breach the decision would have been different , this should be built into the definition of the relevant ground of review and not dealt with as a matter of remedial discretion .
27 Even if it can be said that , in the course of his duty , a policeman will become hardened to certain sorts of ritual taunts and insults , there is no reason to doubt that he can also experience harassment and distress .
28 If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature , it is the blind watchmaker .
29 At this point , an isolated plantation will be noticed up on the hillside to the left , and if it can be reached without damaging walls it should be .
30 Each is a Ring of Protection , and each of which will only function as a magical ring if it can be separated from the others .
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