Example sentences of "which [vb past] on [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Intercity buses in the United States carry 375 million passengers a year across more than a billion miles — quite a legacy from the first US bus service which operated on Long Island in 1899 .
2 In Indonesia a large part of the argument which led on two occasions to undeclared war turned on the federal nature of the new state .
3 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
4 On 11th May the Bill was given a Second Reading and referred to a Select Committee , which met on 10th July with Molesworth as Chairman .
5 A new attempt was made by Hodge to promote cooperation between the right , centre and non-communist left in June and July 1946 with the establishment of the Left-Right Coalition Committee ( CC ) , which met on 22 July .
6 By 1810 the legal government of independent Spain ( which had transformed itself from a Central Junta , composed of delegates from the Provincial Juntas , into a Regency ) was cooped up in Cadiz surrounded by a French army ; there it sought to find the sinews of war and to regularize the constitutional position by summoning a Cortes which met on 24 September 1810 .
7 The Central Committee plenum , which met on 19–20 September 1989 , approved the Platform with minor changes and more generally sought to define the party 's line in an area in which its decisions had been inadequate and for the most part purely reactive .
8 Those studies which concentrated on local-central relations ignored local politics because they saw local authorities as mere receptacles for central policy .
9 Nor could these problems be predicted from studies of the inherent confusability of the lexicon which concentrated on isolated words .
10 The work for this group had been arranged on a large but highly specialised farm , which concentrated on growing bulbs , flowers and potatoes .
11 Mrs Burgwin , headmistress of the Orange Street School in Southwark , told the Royal Commission which reported on elementary school education in 1888 that :
12 Through the initiative of a Belgian , Cynrik de Decker , seven members of 90 Squadron Association have attended a ceremony of remembrance to the seven crew of Stirling EH907 ( WP-O ) which crashed on 4 July 1943 .
13 Post-war architects , amongst whom Frederick Gibberd was soon prominent , popularized a style which drew on many influences .
14 These were two of the points made in the opinion delivered at the end of April by the Advocate General to the European Court of Justice in relation to four test cases to clarify an earlier ECJ watershed case on equal pension rights , Barber v Guardian Royal Exchange , which found on 17 May 1990 that Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome on equal pay applied to pension benefits .
15 West Germany 's first contract with the USSR caused a considerable furore with the US which objected on strategic grounds .
16 Although pre-occupied with planning the invasion of the continent of Europe ( Operation Overlord ) which came on 6 June 1944 , Winston Churchill devoted his attention to a matter which must have seemed far removed from the great events by which he was surrounded .
17 He did an ever expanding trade in cars and trucks under his big red neon sign , which proclaimed on one side FRIZZELL 'S GARAGE — YOU CAN TRUST MAXIE , and on the other FRIZZELL 'S GARAGE — I GREW WITH ALBERTA .
18 It would suggest that when faced with a choice between a case which rests on constitutional theories about limited government derived from a ‘ higher law ’ which controlled what government could legitimately do , and a case which rested on actual practices of government bolstered by actual law , the jury preferred the theory of what the constitution ought to be to the practice of what it is .
19 The first ship to discharge at the new facility was the S.S. Ebbrix , a small vessel owned by T. R. Rix & Sons Ltd. of Hull which arrived on 23rd August .
20 The first vessel to load at the new facility was the ‘ Secil Angola ’ which arrived on 27th April to load 3945 tonnes .
21 In the Peace Procession which assembled on 19 July 1919 , 300 union members marched behind their banner .
22 The Revolution settlement was worked out in the Convention Parliament which assembled on 22 January 1689 .
23 The Victoria and Albert Museum has updated and expanded its twentieth-century design collection by replacing the space known as British Art and Design 1900–1960 with a new Twentieth-century Gallery which opened on 22 October .
24 On the other hand , they ‘ more often allowed appeals which turned on practical appeal considerations lacking firm local policy coverage , but in which national policies were invoked in favour of the appellant ’ .
25 The Neath captain , who leads a pack which shows four changes — one positional — from the eight which fired on empty cylinders against Ireland earlier in the month , will be charging his front five with the task of creating an early impression on title-chasing France .
26 In its reply to the Commission on 11 December , the UK said it would now withdraw the derogations ( which happened on 10 April 1988 ) .
27 Boulder-strewn dusty surfaces have also been revealed by Veneras 13 and 14 , which landed on rolling plains a few thousand km to the south-east of Beta Regio .
28 National Assistance which followed on Poor Law Relief has a long history .
29 And certain industrial processes , which relied on electrical machines had to be carried out at night when the supply was available , but in darkness to comply with blackout regulations .
30 Various groups of psychotherapists and psychologists took it up , but hypnotherapy was soon overshadowed by the development of Sigmund Freud 's psychoanalytic movement , which relied on free association instead .
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