Example sentences of "but that [pron] is [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But this rule is not so simple as at first sight it looks , for it means , not that priority is gained by registration , but that it is lost through failure to register .
2 Spinoza says that it is no mere accident that this is never so , but that it is built into the essential nature of human beings that they need these relations with others for the achievement of personal fulfilment .
3 One important part of the citizens charter is not so much that it contains many individual ideas and proposals for change , but that it is intended to change the entire attitude of public servants and the way in which citizens approach them .
4 Eliot does not see primitive religion as a necessary basis for Christianity , ‘ I do not believe that Christianity germinates out of natural religion , but that it is given by revelation . ’
5 Evaluation is identified as the fourth and final style of the planning cycle but it is emphasised that evaluation is not simply something that comes as a ‘ big bang ’ at the end of the process , but that it is required throughout .
6 The editors ' underlying theme is that retirement needs to be viewed holistically ; that it is not simply an individual transition but that it is linked to a person 's past or context and , equally importantly , to their social networks , especially family relationships .
7 There is good evidence that this transmissible agent is a virus containing DNA but that it is embedded in a tough proteinaceous capsule .
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