Example sentences of "but [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was Keeper of Western Art at the Ashmolean for only five years , between 1984 and 1989 , but besides organising a number of exhibitions and doing all the other things that Keepers do , he managed — quite extraordinarily — to produce this massive three-volume catalogue of the 785 later sculptures then under his care .
2 We teach a subject not to produce little living libraries on that subject , but rather to get a student to think mathematically for himself , to consider matters as an historian does , to take part in the process of knowledge-getting .
3 Rather , ‘ the Museum does not intend to sponsor a particular aspect of modern art , but rather to make a report to the public by offering material for study and comparison ’ .
4 An important example is George Crabbe , who grew up in poverty but eventually became a priest ; although his poetry is deeply informed by the experience of poverty , he is alienated in many respects from the class into which he was born .
5 Marathon 's East Brae field will also come on stream in December , initially at 30,000 b/d but eventually reaching a plateau of 120,000b/d .
6 Dr Palmer had a horse and trap in the late 19th century but eventually had a chauffeur driven car .
7 He loved apples , but rarely had a chance to eat them .
8 A commuter from Crayford on Network SouthEast 's Sidcup line , Mr Constable pays about £700 a year for his ticket but rarely gets a seat .
9 Thus , the UK was still a European leader in innovation in the 1950s and 1960s , but perhaps had a bias towards pure science rather than towards the commercial development of technological ideas that will form the next generation of industries .
10 ‘ He had another chance but perhaps got a bit too tight on the goalkeeper with that one . ’
11 Some parts of the liver could have sustained mild damage during their exposure — not enough to cause characteristic symptoms such as jaundice , but enough to leave a legacy of inadequate detoxification systems .
12 It was six weeks since Busacher had seen her , and she 'd certainly fined down , not a lot , but enough to make a difference .
13 At present the pile of plasticases was small , but enough to break a fall if necessary .
14 One may pursue this parallel further , and suggest that , just as many strikes in modern industry are prompted by particular local conditions , and reflect immediate discontents rather than any general revolutionary outlook , equally many peasant movements had no wide aims , but merely indicate a grievance against a particular manorial lord .
15 This definition , however , does not enable us to say which functions are public functions , but only to give a reason why certain functions are classified as public .
16 That 's the number of lucky motorists the Wolfsburg manufacturer has equipped with the Golf G60 Limited , a car that was the subject of over 1000 enquiries when it was announced to dealers in Germany last year but only had a production run of 70 .
17 The authorities had eventually allowed him in , but only to see a spokesman .
18 She paused and then because he said nothing , but only kept a silence full of sympathy and put more bread on her plate , she burst out , ‘ I did everything wrong that I could .
19 I got a bit upset , but soon found a silver lining .
20 First , those who have a political interest to pursue will not in fact always do so , for example consumers , who are numerous but widely distributed , generally have never organized themselves as effectively or as efficiently as producers , who are much fewer in number but already have a business organization able to be adapted for political purposes .
21 The nine females who undertook the course remained within the high zone but nevertheless registered a reduction from an average of 39 units to 28 units per week .
22 property which the deceased gave away but nevertheless reserved a benefit with respect thereto ; and 2. property which he gave away and did not survive the gift by seven years .
23 Meryl felt slightly dizzy among the heady scents of the plants , but nevertheless plucked a rosemary leaf from its stem and held it to her nose , crushed between finger and thumb , before releasing it to twist emptily to the ground .
24 He looked tired but nevertheless managed a smile as he caught sight of his two employees and walked over to join them .
25 In The Lord of the Rings it can be expressed by such high-status characters as Faramir , who says at one point that he does not hope to see Frodo ever again , but nevertheless invents a picture of them in an unknown future ‘ sitting by a wall in the sun , laughing at grief ’ .
26 The Queen emerged to more protests but finally forced a smile before she was driven away .
27 In the morning the two sides shared the four Foursomes matches but therein hides a tale of powerful enough to displace Neighbours at the top of the TV ratings .
28 The guy did it know what I mean , but just takes a hell of a lot longer to mix like .
29 You know , you do n't need to spend ages doing it , but , but just take a bit of time to do it and
30 If a husband and wife can only tell each other how uncomfortable they feel about the change , and how odd it makes them feel , not endlessly or every day , but just to give a place to the fact , then they have a good chance of staying on a fairly positive course .
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