Example sentences of "as they have [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the 1930s Hollywood was to make films condemning various abuses and malpractices in the American system and there were always to be films which clung to the conventions of the city film as they had emerged in the early part of the decade .
2 With a shock it was brought home to Annie Oaks that they were the only family Lydia and Tobias had ever known , coming to Aumery Park Farm from the Union House as they had done at the ages of ten and twelve .
3 The day often began with people dropping in for breakfast , as they had done at Hamilton Terrace .
4 So , as they had done with the relations of production , Marx and Engels tried to show that this state of affairs was not inevitable , but the product of a specific historical development .
5 Moreover , Macmillan managed to ensure that the Americans did not impose a dual key system as they had done with the RAF-manned Thors .
6 Yet the point of this short section has been to establish that where the jurists did face similar problems in coping with defective trust dispositions , they proceeded in very much the same way as they had done with legacies .
7 If they were to set up their own company in America instead , and negotiate a distribution deal with an American major just as they had done with Island when first setting up Virgin — then that profit margin could be inflated from around 18 per cent to 80 per cent .
8 The right hon. Member for Hertsmere blew the whistle on his colleagues when he disarmingly said that , when he privatised electricity , he would not make the same cock-up as they had done with British Telecom and British Gas .
9 Now this meant that the neutrality of Laos and Cambodia , er the main er route , the main supply route er from China , the , most of the weaponry incidentally came from the , the Soviet Union , China provided the facilities er so under no circumstances could the Americans intervene there , nor could they cross the demilitarized zone in force and erm invade North er Vietnam as they had done with North Korea previously .
10 Dot listened as the grown-ups continued to grumble along as they had done for as long as she could remember , like the harmless rumble of gunfire faraway .
11 People came out of the forest and went into the forest as they had done for centuries , making the deep tracks down Steep Ridgery .
12 The hot water pipes gurgled as they had done for ten years .
13 They were sitting as they had done as children years ago , Elaine with her legs tucked under her , Charles with his arms round his knees .
14 Britain 's social engineers had prided themselves on the ability to plan as they had done during the war .
15 In the 1740s the French in India would have been happy enough to ignore the war in Europe and remain neutral , as they had done during earlier European wars , mainly because previous emperors could maintain the peace .
16 In a wartime bulletin of 1942 , staff were advised to urge customers to bring their own receptacles for food shopping , as they had done during the Great War .
17 They had accepted their invitations only in order to disrupt the proceedings , as they had done on a previous occasion in 1953 .
18 Just as they had done on May Day , the anti-Communist demonstrators who marched across Red Square , after the official parade , left Gorbachev in no doubt as to his own unpopularity and that of his regime .
19 He confessed that everyone trusted him now , as they had done in the old days .
20 Although the Poles could have exercised a military option in the north just as they had done in Silesia , by this time their involvement in a war against the infant Soviet state , over territories and borders in the eastern provinces , made this a logistical impossibility .
21 The Education Department did n't like the situation ; they did not co-operate with advice or materials as they had done in the past , and in fact the island 's Director of Education accused Mrs M of ‘ acting illegally ’ .
22 retained direct control of the ‘ Croydon & District Tramways ’ might not work well if the new lines had to be separated administratively from the Corporation system , so they decided to set up a subsidiary company as they had done in other areas .
23 Women burdened with loads attracted him , as they had done in the Borinage , pushing wheelbarrows , sweeping , and fetching coal .
24 The central event of the former 's pontificate can hardly fail to be seen as Humanae Vitae in 1968 , central because its publication marked a watershed separating the first years of enthusiasm , of an optimistic post-conciliar implementation in which Rome and leading Catholic theologians were still working more or less hand in hand ( as they had done in the latter years of the Council ) from the far more contestatory and unsure later period .
25 While Archbishop Reynolds and some other bishops and royal clerks colluded with the king , the lower clergy presented stout resistance , precisely as they had done in 1294 when they were also invited to pay for the tune played by the prelates .
26 As they had done in the 1930s , Soviet organisations approached state-owned Latin American oil companies .
27 Railways , Spearman went on , had the power to break local strikes , as they had done in a recent coal strike in the United States , and the operating officers and freight-yard superintendents took on a military-style power .
28 It was anticipated that the rains which were expected in May would slow the government 's military campaign , as they had done in previous years .
29 The London merchants of this period do not , however , represent a closely connected group of families as they had done in an earlier age : the civic upper class was constantly being renewed , either as families died out , or as successful men moved out from the city to the country .
30 The school parties stuck as rigidly together as they had done upon Victoria Station , lacking only their uniforms and labels , disastrously hampered by lack of space .
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