Example sentences of "they are for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At the sampling stage they are for practical reasons equally important , for it is hard to see how investigators could proceed without some recourse to demographic categories such as class , sex , or ethnicity .
2 Of course they are for internal consideration only , but because there is the intention of some discussion at June CED Conference on Government Joint Funding and on Resource Sharing , I thought these two papers might profitably be circulated as background material .
3 They are for that area on the Greater York study .
4 For most of his career Tolkien was a most extreme example of a man with this second urge strongly developed : he was fascinated by names , to give only one example , part of whose nature is that they are for one thing and one thing alone , very hard to reduce to system !
5 Although many lone parents work , Table 4 shows that earnings from employment are less likely to be their main source of income than they are for two parent families although for both groups this will be affected by fluctuations in employment and unemployment .
6 Every day couples meet who are amazed at how right they are for each other — proof that Dateline works !
7 Now they are for small children to celebrate occasionally .
8 This is one field of higher education where in some cases the fees from the overseas student are no higher than they are for British nationals .
9 Because they occupy key positions in primary care , they are for most people the most accessible caring profession , and psychiatry is considered by doctors to be primarily their occupational territory .
10 Every organization has these unofficial groups , and research has shown how important they are for organizational effectiveness .
11 Please send contributions direct to the office at Epsom , clearly stating that they are for this fund .
12 They are for some reason most dreadfully at home in Paris — ‘
13 There are many other activities and sports that are just as suitable for older women as they are for younger ones : golf , badminton , skiing ( cross country or downhill ) , croquet , table tennis , bowling , rambling , sailing , archery — anything that is , and continues to be , enjoyable .
14 In this test the sample is subjected to a periodic load ( or displacement ) , and a complex modulus is found which , for linear viscoelasticity , relates the stress — to the strain , these no longer being in phase with each other as they are for elastic materials .
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