Example sentences of "that can be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And that is why you have to ensure that whatever elements you put in initial-clause position in your target text or in a given part of your target text add up to something that can be understood as a method of development and that can provide a point of orientation for that part of the text .
2 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
3 In a series of conversations with the Frenchman Didier Eribon published by Thames and Hudson this month , Sir Ernst Gombrich , former director of the Warburg Institute and one of the most distinguished academics of our time ( yet one of the most accessible because of his belief that it should be possible to explain everything in language that can be understood by a child ) , talks about the development of his ideas , his values and the events which contributed to their formation .
4 They should strive to present findings in a way that can be understood by practitioners without sacrificing the truth of their assertions , and should pay attention to the dissemination and development of findings .
5 They wo n't need to see all of your data , but choose certain items to print out or type out in a way that can be understood by the non-linguist .
6 A merit of this approach is that the variables are visually presented in a style that can be understood by generalists and specialists alike .
7 At the bottom of the argument about running state schools like a chain of McDonalds hamburger restaurants , handing out Big Mac gift vouchers to disadvantaged kids , is the issue of whether education is ultimately just a utilitarian service to the marketplace that can be understood in simple commercial language , or something more important and fundamental that warrants different treatment .
8 She considers the idea , implicit in much feminist theory , of an authentic self which is said to be socially conditioned by patriarchal power , and argues that this idea owes much to a tradition in Western philosophy which dates back to the Aristotelian distinction between actions that are voluntary and actions which are coerced , a tradition that can be traced through Descartes to the present time .
9 In what follows my main purposes are : ( 1 ) to demonstrate the patterns of simplification that can be traced by comparing our inner-city data with that of the city-wide random sample ‘ doorstep ’ survey and the outer-city community studies ; and ( 2 ) to consider how far a theory of strong and weak ties can account for the maintenance of complex patterns and the development of simpler ones .
10 Secondly , the proportion of SERPS that can be inherited by a spouse has been reduced to a half rather than the full amount under the original scheme ( Walker , 1986 , p. 193 ) .
11 The nature of this decoding device is shown in Figure 4 ; it is complicated , but unfortunately one must understand the complications in order to understand some of the fundamental questions that can be asked about the nature , origin , and evolution of the code .
12 One of the interesting questions that can be asked about the curriculum has to do with the relative power and influence of these various actors in the planning process ; for example , in their study , Boys et al .
13 The tenrecs look very much like the hedgehogs and have a similar defensive armour , with fine spines that can be erected as the animal rolls into a tight ball .
14 Terence Johnson has pointed to the limits that can be placed on some professions by their clients or employers .
15 If you want to be really safe , a condom or , to avoid vaginal or menstrual fluids , a dental dam ( a square of latex that can be placed over the vulva ) can be used .
16 Other foods that can be placed in the compartment include caterpillars and small insects .
17 If the identification is confirmed there is now a precisely dated time marker that can be followed from its source in Iceland across the North Atlantic and the North Sea and onto the European landmass .
18 The exact manner in which the excavation proceeds can vary considerably depending on the site 's characteristics , and there are usually several possible strategies that can be followed in any particular situation .
19 Taking into account the notion of support , the most satisfactory definition that can be given of the English bare infinitive in the present state of our knowledge is therefore as follows : the bare infinitive is a non-finite verb form that provides for the incidence of its event to a support through all the instants of time required to actualize the complete lexical content of this event .
20 There are always two sets of reasons that can be given for psychical events , one that is phrased in terms of the culture 's Weltanschuung , and the other which the psychoanalytic observer can bring in terms of the unconscious feelings underlying the system .
21 For those examples that have been described so far , the best advice that can be given to individuals is to help them to strengthen their time-cues and to take more notice of them .
22 Education has learned to grab with ease but not to reach out and yet there is a good deal of help that can be given to small businesses and voluntary organisations once the idea of level three partnership has been grasped .
23 Second , if one does know in advance that the celebratory flowers are to be pressed , there are various details that can be given to the florist in question that will make one 's task much easier .
24 It is the name that can be given to a historical construct .
25 Within the profession the general feeling is that the greater the degree of autonomy that can be given to teachers and schools , the more likely are they to accept responsibility for educational provision and become committed to improving its quality .
26 Only properties that can be given to the selected object are displayed .
27 The ward report on the progress of each patient , which is given at the beginning of a shift , is an example of group teaching that can be given in the normal routine of the ward .
28 Any food enjoyed by the child that can be given in small ‘ pieces ’ for example : yoghurt , cheese , biscuits .
29 At the time this was barely spelt out , but as the 1960s progressed , the Treasury began to introduce from America a range of new budgeting and cost benefit techniques that can be seen as the means of implementing this objective .
30 Can you find out about any others that can be seen at this time of year ?
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