Example sentences of "that it is [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter we have argued that emotion in drama is real , but that it is nevertheless a modified version of that same emotion felt in an actual event , for the emotional response in drama is a response to an abstraction .
2 In contrast , cattle develop a good immunity to Oe. radiatum , partly due to age and partly to previous exposure so that it is primarily a problem in weaned calves .
3 The last help screen might be considered superfluous in that it is simply a reminder that all entries have to be made in an appropriate manner .
4 Acknowledging this interdependence allows us to make the courageous leap of ‘ letting in ’ the fetus , of rejecting the idea that it is simply a clump of cells , of taking it into our moral accounting and allowing it to make some claim on our attentions .
5 In this rather similar example , however , we think it is much clearer that the comma is a mistake and far less likely that it is simply a style variant : This has the implication that , novel-writing in Wales …
6 The solution to ‘ He was not really afraid of any landlady ’ might appear to be that we have here a masked first-person avowal , and that it is simply an indication of Dostoevsky 's boldness that it should be surrounded by authorial statements which are firmly outside and ( so to say ) on top of Raskolnikov in the classical omniscient third-person mode : for example , information about his poverty , irritable frame of mind , withdrawal from society , his ‘ not naturally timorous and abject ’ disposition .
7 Armstrong replied , in a later number of the same journal , that it is simply an empirical fact about our proprioceptive powers that we are able to perceive the heat of our hand directly but not the roughness of its surface .
8 The first is based squarely on the suggestion that it is simply an illusion to suppose that any truth , or any significant role in social explanation need be assigned to counterfactuals of the form , ‘ If individual X had not had the psychological characteristic a , they could not have performed action b and event p would not have occurred . ’
9 This does not mean that it is simply an exercise in resource management .
10 Walter says that it is probably a wedding but suggests that we investigate .
11 It is my strong impression that it is probably a very small MI5 mafia who have been out of the service for some time , who still continue the vendetta for no doubt extremely right-wing purposes of their own .
12 Firstly , the Perpetual High Income which has been a consistently good performer from a good fund management group ; then Mercury 's European Income Fund on the basis that it is probably a very good time to invest in Europe , with interest rates about to fall there .
13 Sometimes you can be exhilarated , believing that the painting is a masterpiece or , alternatively , a look in the mirror may tell you that it is just a jumble and the eye does n't focus anywhere .
14 It may simply be said that it is just a ‘ fact ’ that Jesus was male , and that therefore priests should be . )
15 Both girls never think about what they do , saying that it is just a job for which they get paid .
16 At least you know that 's true , that it is just a job , not the glamorous lifestyle that it appears to be , entailing flying around the world in private jets .
17 I am assured that it is just a typographical error
18 But it is totally universal as well in that it is also a simple parable , like Dead Poets Society , about the necessity to follow your instincts and not get trapped by the drive to conform .
19 Bergman 's ( 1979 ) comments on Sweden indicate that it is also a belief which has appeared in other countries .
20 One might answer in this case that it is also a typical feature of speech , so should probably be analysed as a contraction and for this reason avoided in academic writing — even if one accepts the idea of a regional/class standard .
21 To understand how to control your aura you must first realise that it is largely a thought emanation and as such , can easily be controlled by thought .
22 This difference does not interact with junction , F(9,50)=1.01 , suggesting that it is largely a general improvement rather than one related to aspects of individual junctions .
23 Astronomers believe ( Nature Vol 31 No 6329 ) that it is either a massive galaxy in the process of formation or a quasar buried within a dust cloud .
24 But it seems most likely that it is either a potential beneficiary of this disposition , or one of the testatrix 's sons who is attempting to clarify his rights with respect to the land .
25 As a result of reading your article , I know that it is either an MFM or RLL type , but is there any way of finding out which one ?
26 Does he recall that it is exactly a year since he told us in this House , ’ Our policies are working ’ ?
27 The fact that it is over a hundred years old does not detract from its impact .
28 Its system of rebates , discounts and exemptions , and the fact that it is partly a personal and partly a property tax certainly guarantee complexity with necessarily guaranteeing collectability .
29 In England , English is different from other school subjects , in that it is both a subject and a medium of instruction for other subjects ;
30 However , the profane or pseudo-sacral layout he adopts does little to save the general premise that it is both a biography and a serious enquiry into the ideological formation of an artist , let alone , as it claims , an exegesis of the artist 's stylistic development .
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