Example sentences of "it might [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was afraid it might rain for Christmas . ’
2 When Mother Pig tells Tottie that she 's having a new baby , and that it might arrive on Tottie 's birthday , Tottie is n't very happy .
3 It is something of a family tendency to think everything is enormously exciting no matter how ordinary it might appear to others .
4 ‘ … and the moral of that [ said the Duchess ] is — ‘ Be what you would seem to be ’ — or , if you 'd like it put more simply — ‘ Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise .
5 It is not in my body as it might appear to others ( if they put their tongue in my mouth ) but does appear to me ( who has got my tongue in my mouth ) that I have pains .
6 It might appear from section 8(2) that , if no price is agreed and there is no method of ascertaining it , a reasonable price is automatically payable .
7 Established as a privately-financed institution by a Planning Board which first met in January 1969 , UCB had at an early stage to consider what awards it might offer in advance of the Charter it hoped to obtain .
8 But it would n't be worth doing , if there was n't a chance that it might end in tears .
9 It might diminish with time , secreting itself away in some irregularly attended cranny of her brain , but it would be there , waiting , finding its moments .
10 If the alliance were not seen to make progress , it might go into reverse .
11 It might crumble into dust more readily .
12 It might show in court .
13 A family simulating post strike conditions in an improvised shelter was asked how it thought it might cope with diarrhoea and vomiting and , understandably , did n't think it would cope very well .
14 It also explains why Mr Morita hastily withdrew his chapters of the book , for fear of the damage it might do to Sony 's sales .
15 There would be an orgy of spending with no restraint , regardless of the damage that it might do to ratepayers , community charge payers or whatever they may be called .
16 On 7 June an emergency meeting of the NSFU Executive was held at which Father Charles Hopkins , standing in for the absent Havelock Wilson , pointed out the disastrous financial effects which participation in such a stoppage might have on the union and the peril in which it might stand in respect of its hard won provincial settlements .
17 MIP-1 β is produced in large amounts by monocytes , fibroblasts and lymphocytes early after activation in vitro ; in vivo , it might bind to proteoglycan on the endothelial surface at inflammatory sites and be presented as an adhesion-inducing stimulus to passing leukocytes .
18 What Gandhi may be suggesting by the statement that the road one takes is unimportant provided the goal is achieved is that too much importance can be attached to particular religions , especially when it might result in exclusivist claims being made on behalf of those religions .
19 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
20 For both readers it might lead to topics ( quotes , facts , ideas ) of a wider interest than the task in hand ( e.g. " looking for information on Unemployment in the 1930s " ) , This skimming should be done very quickly ( a few seconds per average page ) .
21 The investigation of anything happening directly on the river would normally be the responsibility of the River Police , at least until such time as it might lead to inquiries inland .
22 Local law societies were generally against the establishment of an annual limit on the grounds that it might lead to unfairness in the handling of claims within any particular 12 month period .
24 For a while he tried to read , tried to sink back down into the fortunes of young Pao-yu and his beloved cousin , Tai-yu , but it was no good ; his mind kept returning to the question of the Aristotle File and what it might mean for Chung Kuo .
25 Among ten candidates it might range from 21% of the total through 18 , 16 , 13 , 11 , 9 , 5 , 4 and 2 down to 1% .
26 Not only does the USSR understand the reality of modern war ; she has been given — perhaps uniquely — a glimpse into war as it might occur in future .
27 It might look like nosiness , he might open the wrong door , embarrass people .
28 Those who like Jenny in our case-study find themselves avoiding conflict at all costs , never facing up to issues , never expressing hurt or anger for fear of what it might release in others , need to do some work on this point .
29 It might help in advance to give certain additional information to each of the three groups independently of the others ( see above section on small group work ) : perhaps the Pied Piper is prepared to let the children free if s/he can get a good deal ; perhaps the mayor is unwilling to use any public funds to buy off the Piper .
30 The first lay in the effect it might have on teaching and learning and the second in too great a concentration of power in the hands of the government of the day and especially with one person , the Secretary of State .
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