Example sentences of "it [verb] as it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 For males sex may be very important , but for females reproduction may be , may be more significant if it involves as it does in the case of all mammals and certainly human beings , considerable parental investment on the part of the mother .
2 It creaked as it swung open .
3 Nigel : ‘ It beats as it sweeps as it plugs up the hole in the ozone layer ? ’
4 It stands as it has always stood ,
5 So we say ‘ Of course the cat believes the ball is stuck — it is conscious , its eyes work , why else would it behave as it does ? ’ but disallow that it might have the belief ‘ that it believes the ball is stuck ’ , this being linguistic ( Kenny 1975 : 5 ) .
6 Yet a business has no ‘ score ’ to play by except the score it writes as it plays .
7 It whitened as it climbed the sky , casting a long path of broken moonlight across the river .
8 is crumbly in texture and pale peach in colour when young , although it darkens as it ages .
9 He would understand in detail the working of the mechanism of the clock , which enables it to function as it does .
10 It roars as it flies .
11 Its defence mechanism is not rapid reproduction like the greenfly , instead it surrounds itself with the familiar frothy blob of air bubbles that it forms as it spits out the sap it has taken from the plant — instead of spitting it back into the plant .
12 This is not as easy as it sounds as it needs a change to the German constitution which requires a two third majority in the German parliament .
13 There was a very light cross wind from the right which caused a swing in that direction , and as the Nimbus has only a tail-skid , it swung as it started its take-off run .
14 Provided water is above 4°C to begin with , it expands as it warms , and so becomes less dense .
15 Perhaps it all goes to confirm that a democratic society will inevitably get the police it deserves as it responds to new pressures .
16 Complete the following : ‘ a ? \ @*; £ ! % beats as it sweeps as it cleans ’ ; ‘ a \ @*?; & a day helps you work rest and play ’ .
17 Nigel : ‘ It beats as it sweeps as it plugs up the hole in the ozone layer ? ’
18 It spun as it went , and at once the spinning of earth and sky seemed to centre on it , as if on a vortex .
19 I could swear I saw it sizzle as it ate through the varnish .
20 He coughed and spat some phlegm into the fire , hearing it sizzle as it hit the coals .
21 It braked as it drew abreast .
22 That summit will set the future course for NATO to ensure that it remains as it has been — a bedrock of stability in a still uncertain world .
23 It crackled as it moved .
24 It melted as it fell , but not as fast as it fell .
25 It grew and grew , but still kept to its tunnels , some of which it enlarged as it grew .
26 Increasing distance made it shrink as it rose , until at an unimaginable height it was not larger to her eye than a small bird .
27 It refused as it knew that it could not do so and survive at home .
28 This picture broke with the past by dispensing with the idea that everything in nature has a purpose or proper function , which explains why it behaves as it does .
29 A PR executive faced with the task of showing the strength of steel-capped safety footwear hired a double decker bus and had it photographed as it drove over the feet of a man wearing the boots .
30 Editor , — Is it not time for the BMJ to set the same standards for the drug advertisements it carries as it does for scientific papers ?
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