Example sentences of "have just [be] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rupert Bear is not only the world 's tallest hot air balloon and a leading children 's favourite since 1920 , he has just been appointed the National Trust 's young ‘ green ’ spokesman , or should one say spokesbear .
2 I drove into the mouth of a carnivorous wave with the reckless abandon of a man who has just been given a week to live .
3 A young teacher ( Class 3 ) has just been given a special award for the ‘ best classroom ’ in Francistown .
4 The living room , originally furnished in rusty browns , has just been given a brighter look with soft peach paper and multi-striped curtains by Designers Guild .
5 Alcock was cheered up by a letter from his CO at Mudros telling him the ‘ Your baby has just been given a new suit of clothes and is learning to walk .
6 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be visiting the Victorian mansion that is n't finished yet , and has just been given a grant to ensure that it never will be .
7 Christine has just been given the all clear … but only after an intensive five weeks of radiation treatment .
8 And the unique project has just been given the Royal seal of approval .
9 And every parent has just been sent a letter — which claims ’ both Labour and the Liberal Demcrats have stated their intention to close down the remaining grammar schools . ’
10 GOALKEEPER Aidan Davison , so his grandma tells us , has just been named the Millwall supporters ' player of the year .
11 Mr Williams recently received the Lympus prize in his FRCO exams and has just been offered a place at the Royal Academy of Music to study organ performance .
12 David Solomons FCA , professor emeritus of the Wharton School of Accounting at the University of Philadelphia , has just been awarded the US 's top accounting honour .
13 ‘ I thought you 'd just been made a director of this firm ? ’
14 They 'd just been told the George Hotel was n't important enough to be listed , but the protestors vowed to physically stop the demolition team if necessary and it looked as if they had the backing of the Planning Authority .
15 As they went inside , Jack Smith was roaring with laughter , having just been told an extremely rude story by one of the regulars .
16 Perhaps the Duke ( his temper not improved by his wife having just been refused the style of HRH ) thought that Baldwin had already done well enough out of the events six months before , without an entitlement to further expressions of fulsome goodwill .
17 ‘ I 've just been given a present . ’
18 you 're going to work in there , you 've just been given a , your , your standard value which is gross , thousand and thousand of dollars , now how are you going to spend that money that you 've got for
19 I in fact I 've just been shown a different copy of this , Gwen has just shown me a different copy and the colour 's is totally different , its a very , very poor erm print and , when I was looking at this through my book , the background was very strange and I felt that almost had been painted by a totally different artist , but having seen Gwin 's , er Gwen 's
20 I 'll tell you why cos the B B C there 's a directive just gone out I 've just been informed the B B C for quiz show hosts on the B B C to treat their guests with a little more civility .
21 ‘ I 've just been told the same .
22 I read the other day a well praised first novel in which the narrator — who is both sexually inexperienced and an amateur of French literature — comically rehearses to himself the best way to kiss a girl without being rebuffed : ‘ With a slow , sensual , irresistible strength , draw her gradually towards you while gazing into her eyes as if you had just been given a copy of the first , suppressed edition of Madame Bovary . ’
23 They were n't real officers , they had just been given a military rank to sit on the tribunal . ’
24 Nobody was yet greatly concerned about the poverty of what had just been called the Third World .
25 She realised , wearily , almost too tired to care , that she had just been made the butt of a joke .
26 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
27 But we did n't want to cause embarrassment — after all , they had just been awarded a ‘ Proddy ’ award for services to dogs !
28 Peter , inexperienced but the most likeable of colleagues , had just been shown the door .
29 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
30 ‘ I have just been given a flower — the second in two weeks ’ , he told readers in the birthday issue column .
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